Recent content by billyboya

  1. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Yes I did join the 3 wires from throttle to wire at front of bike from controller, and yes all worked, But the lead was very short, so if you turned left it would have snapped lead. so I decided to add a longer lead, joined it at throttle end all ok, but then when i joined it at other end to...
  2. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Can you explain what you on about ????
  3. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Have you not read my post no 136 the throttle is working ok now as I had joined 2 of the wires wrong all fixed now. plus Nealh wanted to see my controller. So took picture of it
  4. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    I undone box before lunch it didnt take long, its smaller than i expected lol
  5. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Oh I see well I have just fastened it back up to bike but its ok wont take long to take it off bike and unscrew, will do after dinner
  6. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    This is my controller, not much help as it just says HOSH I cant seem to find much about it. but like you said its chinese
  7. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Well Ive made a right mess now as the throttle wire going to control box wire was far too short, so I decided to entend wire, by adding another piece, and i did test wires 1st and wheel went round ok but now it seems I have joined 2 wires wrong as now get again E 08 error, the trouble is the...
  8. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Yes I am very careful soldering wires up, I will just like you said twist wires up 1st, and just place a loose piece of thrink wrap over them until its all works then solder up and thrink wrap them. I am still waiting for that Male to Male higo lead. so at 1st I can try one of those ends to the...
  9. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Well it seems thats the only way then to sort it. ok thanks will solder up wires
  10. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Well I got a reply back from the seller on ebay regarding this thumb throttle, and he says this below but he is wrong as I have also sent him images and it says Julet he seller says this but he is wrong
  11. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    so do you agree then that the 2nd thumb throttle is wrong as it says higo when it’s clearly Julet I’ve sent a message to seller on eBay to return it. As why say higo when it’s Julet
  12. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Well I must have a Bafang controller, or maybe not, as I had already tried this 1st throttle which has a juliet connector and it didnt work as said E 08 error. and its a julet plus its orange but the female connector on my bike is yellow so I...
  13. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Well it seems I am going to have to do as jimriley post 105 said as I recieved the 2nd thumb throttle today But its orange female juliet, and like Nealth said its for Bafang controller, I should have checked here 1st. I am still waiting...
  14. billyboya

    bike mirrors

    Yes you did and I took note, I have always wanted a end type mirror from day one, But as it had a throttle, I had the problem of removing end cap, which i thought had a nut inside, but it turned out to be a clip which was hard to remove, but with a bit of temper PMSL, it got sorted. thinking...
  15. billyboya

    charging up battery

    Many thanks good advice and its most appreciated