Recent content by John Manning

  1. J

    New BMS Battery not working

    Sorry, some info did not get transferred to the new thread. The battery is a LiPo type and the battery box has a switch which is in the negative lead just before the output socket. The web site calls it Li Ion ( The charger circuit...
  2. J

    New BMS Battery not working

    I have purchased from BMS battery in china a bike electrification kit. The battery pack is a 36v 10Ahr unit, I have charged it ,I think, for 36hrs. The battery level indicator does not light and there is no output, until I plug in the energized charger 42v output, then I get 41.6v at he output...
  3. J

    Trike electricify

    Good guess but unfortunately wrong. the battery is 36V 10Ahr. The switch on the case only works the negative lead to the external socket. The voltage from the charger lifts the electronic lock and allows the battery voltage 41.6v to appear at the output. It certainly gives the idea of not being...
  4. J

    Trike electricify

    Hi, I am John, a long time cyclist and bad speller. I live in the middle of Nottinghamshire and have some how got the project of electrifying my Uncle's Pashley tricycle. It is a vertical challenge because the trike is little bigger than a child's machine. I have got a BMS battery kit and it is...