Recent content by maddox

  1. M

    Giant LaFree; fork V-brake bosses: anyone used them?

    Hello all, Hope you enjoyed the BH weather?! (I got SOAKED while making an inadvised dash to the farm shop for some breakfast eggs ;-) My query is simple enough - has anyone with a Giant LAFree installed some V-brakes on the fork bosses and ditched the roller brake hub? Does this work OK...
  2. M

    new rear wheel Giant LaFree: recommendations!

    Yes, I saw the press release on that ... tempting indeed. Sadly the rim is currently held together with Duct Tape, and despite the excellent properties of duct tape & don't see it making it to September! Matthew
  3. M

    new rear wheel Giant LaFree: recommendations!

    Folks, The rim of my Giant LaFree Comfort has split, so I'm seeking recommendations and suggestions for replacements, and whom to get to build it. I'm North London/South Herts-based. Currently My thoughts are to ditch the existing hub in favour of an 8 speed premium/Redline Shimano...
  4. M

    Bike weight does it matter

    weight matters ... oh yes! Hi folks, My first post and on a matter close to my heart. By way of introduction, a dying (now dead) rear wheel on my Giant LaFree brought me here (that'll be the subject of another thread); this LaFree was my 24th bike in 47years of cycling. And so to...