Two wire motors?

Simon Greenway

Just Joined
Jul 19, 2018
Hello Pedlec community, who knows a thing or two about wiring?

I have an older Smarta E-Bike/Pedelec, can be throttle drive or assit. Works well but the motor has gotten increasingly loud over the few years I've had it to the point I think it needs replacing, it doesn't freewheel very well either.

So I'm looking for a a replacement motor. Easy I thought, there are lots on eBay. After a little research I found all modern ones tend to be brushless and tend to have hall sensors, and 9 pins is the standard. Mine is old and simple and has only two pins. Like this one <- infact this is the exact same one I have.

I want a simple brushed hub (front) motor that supports a two wire configuration (I don't want the above one in the link because it looks like its on its last legs and wouldn't buy me much!)

Question 1) anyone know where I can buy a simple DC hub motor? That supports two wire? (Brushed or brushless)

Question 2) Will a three wire motor ( work with my two wire system? What are 3 wires needed for on a simple DC motor?

I've scoured the web and can't find the answers, hopefully someone here will provide more insight. Many thanks.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Might need new brushes, change them and see if it helps.

Otherwise time to move on and either buy another bike with modern brushless components or upgrade your bike with a brushless motor, controller & lcd.
Occasionally brushed hubs do turn up on ebay but scarce and old hat now for ebike use.
