Electric bike newsNews

Netherlands reports ‘rapid’ rise of electric bikes for over 60s


A Dutch Mobility Report for 2013 shows use of electric bikes have ‘rapidly increased’ in the Netherlands between 2000 and 2012.

During that time cyclists travelled 14% more kilometers than in previous years, with the largest share of that growth being attributed to electric bikes.

The country’s increasing numbers of senior citizens were credited with both travelling more by bicycle and increased distances each journey. In comparison, the number of kilometers travelled on ordinary cycles remained static.

The report cites that expansion of urban areas and a rise in the over 60s owning pedelecs contributed to the increasing use of electric bikes. Elsewhere in the mobility report, the statistics highlight higher labour market participation rates among the 60-64 year old age group.

The report sums up with current estimated Dutch ownership of e-bikes at 5%, which doubles to 10% in the over 60s, with the latter group travelling twice as many kilometres than those riding regular cycles in the same age group.