Recent content by GooserName

  1. GooserName

    Post covid apocalypse

    I guess there is no such thing as post-covid. This thing is with us forever, as flu and other stuff. The panic ruined much more of economy than the virus itself. However there appeared new opportunities too. For example you can use and hire project-based web developers to make...
  2. GooserName

    Any tips for buying on ebay?

    Yeah I am also looking into the same direction. For the U.S. is very convenient. I would suggest you buy it from the shop, not a person, as at least they must provide a warranty. Secondly, check the reviews, especially bad reviews.
  3. GooserName

    Corona Virus hitting Chinese and World economy.

    Sad for me to hear about delays in productions as well. Don't know, maybe I have gotten completely stricken by this pandemic, but I feel the world is having a 3rd world war...(
  4. GooserName

    length of lockdown?
