Recent content by kalkhoffowner1983

  1. K

    More assistance please

    I've tried the dongle and it doesn't work. My bike isn't capped at 16mph. My old agattu was 'supercharged' and gave noticeably more assistance but the motor started making a loud grating noise
  2. K

    More assistance please

    I have heard there is some software what will change the amount of power or assistance given by the motor. However no bike shops want to help, they go on about "it's breaking the law, can't help" boring, law abiding slow coaches
  3. K

    More assistance please

    Hi, does anyone know of a speed hack for the original Kalkhoff Endeavour Agattu 1? My first Agattu was faster with a cruising speed of 25mph and as I remember, was providing more assistance when peddling. This is exclusively for off-road use only. Many thanks!