Recent content by robelee

  1. R

    Kalkhoff Agattu Motor Problem?

    Many thanks Flecc, I came on this forum years back when we bought the two Kalkhoffs and I remember you being so helpful then, so nice to see you're still here and once again being a great source of information. Thank you again, Rob
  2. R

    Kalkhoff Agattu Motor Problem?

    Its not contact blades - I've swapped from Pro to Agattu and makes no difference. Battery flashes all LED's and then stops but placing battery on other bike, then OK and works fine. Its good than I can compare to my Pro Connect. I asked my wife when she noticed power go off and it was when she...
  3. R

    Kalkhoff Agattu Motor Problem?

    Thanks Flecc, I shall start to investigate. Would the motor failing give me no lights on control unit?
  4. R

    Kalkhoff Agattu Motor Problem?

    Hi Flecc, Its the Panasonic - I can compare to my Pro which freewheels far easier that the Agattu - it really feels as if the rear brake is on. Rob
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    Kalkhoff Agattu Motor Problem?

    Hi, I wonder if anyone can help with the following problem. My wife has had her Kalkhoff Agattu for a few years and is used very occasionally now. We've just got back from a short ride and bike was perfect until losing power (fortunately very close to home) with no lights showing on...
  6. R

    Kalkhoff Pro Connect Push Assistance

    Hello All, A little while ago I had 'Push Assistance' fitted to my Pro Connect. It came in very handy on some of the very steep hills in North Devon, most of them I managed to ride but on some I had to get off and push. My question is - would it be possible to 'fix' push assistance to give...
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    The NOT Gears, How Many is Too Many? thread

    Flecc, She is most certainly not alone - I agree most wholeheartedly with her views. Rob
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    The NOT Gears, How Many is Too Many? thread

    Flecc, I've read many of your posts and always felt what a decent man you appear to be, always helpful and obviously knowlegable. But I have to say I was saddened to read your implication that you were glad Magaret Thatcher has been suffering the ill effects of Alzheimers Desease for many...
  9. R

    Kalkhoff Agattu - a high power puzzlement

    Just found the PDF download - it does state 'stop pedalling when changing modes' My wife has the Agattu and I a Pro Connect and both ride the same. Both bikes are 9 months old.
  10. R

    Kalkhoff Agattu - a high power puzzlement

    I think you have to stop pedalling when selecting different power modes. When climbing hills I've noticed lack of extra power when just switching up. If I can manage to self-propel bike a few yards without any input and then change mode, all is fine. Rob
  11. R

    Pro Connect New Gearing

    Many thanks for a very informative description of changes in assistance and the legalities of changes made. All very clear and understood. I do prefer the feeling of having my legs pedalling more slowly and rarely do I push for the higher speeds bike is capable of but occasionally it's nice to...
  12. R

    Pro Connect New Gearing

    Original gearing on my Pro Connect was 35T Chain Ring, 9T Motor Sprocket and 19T Rear Hub Cog. Gearing has been changed to 41T - 11T - 18T respectively. Can any of you technical folk out there tell me how this is likely to affect performance. I have the 18a Battery Pack. Bike seems to ride...
  13. R

    Hi All

    Hello Graham, When you've made your choice of suitable bikes I'm sure you'll be thrilled as my wife and I are with our two. We live in Surrey and often cycle up around 'Box Hill' which is quite a climb - soon to be the route used for the 'Olympics Cycle Race'. The hill poses no problems and...
  14. R

    Handlebar Height On Pro Connect

    I have a Kalkhof Pro Connect and am wondering if handlebar height can be lowered? It appears to have 3 rings on stem - could these be reduced - 3 down to 1 perhaps? Rob
  15. R

    Tyre Blow out

    Hi Walkerman, Seems like you and I have identical problems with our bikes! Yes mine are cracked all around the side wall - it appears to resemble old rubber when it starts to perish. So far no problems though, I'll just keep my fingers crossed. Rob