Recent content by Snailer

  1. S

    Long bikes (2bikes joined together) where?

    That looks great - thanks
  2. S

    Long bikes (2bikes joined together) where?

    That's awesome - I love it!
  3. S

    Long bikes (2bikes joined together) where?

    I think I was originally looking for pictures of a sociable tandem that i rode once at a rally. It was home made but the two riders sat beside each other -each had handlebars and pedals and one brake but there was a third frame which had the 2 wheels in between I couldn't figure out how to make...
  4. S

    Long bikes (2bikes joined together) where?

    Hi, I was browsing a while back and came across this whacky thread about making long bikes where the rear of one bike is attached to the main bike by putting the crank shaft of the rear part into the slots for the back wheel of the front bike, making a long bike. What are these called? I'd...
  5. S

    My Kirbebike cube build

    Looks great! (but I am still building my first one) good tip about the torque arm. I've got a chunky piece of stainless flat bar I'm going to make one from
  6. S

    Motor cut out problem - battery or water/corrosion?

    Did you solve this? I have same problem
  7. S

    Battery cutting out

    Did you ever solve this? I have same problem