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  1. S


    Yep, Customs o_O I've had a few pallets sent from UK to Europe, all arrived ok apart from 1 ( a large box on a pallet, with a fire extinguisher on the pallet alongside the box, all shrink-wrapped professionally to secure it). When it got to me the bottom of the shrinkwrap had been torn open and...
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    And todays idiots are

    Hi, not being argumentative but i did ask about people stepping off a pavement "not at a junction". The new rules are clear but I still don't see any Highway code changes saying that's ok. From a legal point of view I think the motorist will be found at fault - either fully or to some degree -...
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    And todays idiots are

    Responding to the comments above, I'm familiar with the updated highway code but I see no mention that pedestrians and cyclists are excused from looking around for traffic when stepping off a pavement onto a road. The new rules for vulnerable road users specifically mention at crossings. The...
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    NSFW / disturbing content : man dies when E-bike battery explodes in a lift

    NSFW. Very disturbing video of an E-bike battery catching fire when a man is in a lift - things go from perfectly normal to inferno in seconds. No background about the type of battery or the manufacturer but it's another example that can be...
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    And todays idiots are

    Sad but not surprising :oops: I've had a pedestrian on mobile phone step off a footpath without looking and walk in front of me when I was driving a large family car though a town center. The look on her face when I blasted the horn and she looked up to see 1 ton of car heading her way almost...
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    Machine Mart are now selling E-bikes

    I often buy tools at their shops (decent mid-range quality at fair prices) but I've never seen any cycle items in there before. Time will tell what the quality and after sales support are like ...
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    "We save ebikes from landfill"

    Afraid the cynic in me has seen a few of these "green" schemes and is now deeply skeptical about them. My ex used to work for one of them and even she was very open about saying their main reason for existing was to make money for themselves - they had no interest in "improving and protecting...
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    E-bike loan scheme across the Stroud district

    It's a great idea and I've seen several rental schemes working well in Europe. My 2 first concerns are that the article says the "bikes are ideally suited to the hilly areas around Stroud" - none of the legal Ebikes I've tried are ideal for hilly areas. Life in Britain is constantly changing...
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    "Brompton weighs in on better battery laws to clamp down on eBike fires "

    It's a pattern that's been happening for decades. Mobs of protesters were causing chaos in cities. New laws were created so police can disperse any group of 2 or more people - laws have been used to break up peaceful meetings but are rarely used when there's a mob on the streets. Police were...
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    "Police stat shows that 260 electric powered bicycles were seized by officers last year"

    From the article : Nearly 1,000 ‘Lycra lout’ cyclists fined in City of London Police crackdown Oofficers also made 80 arrests, seized 192 illegal e-bikes and scooters, and gave safety advice to 8,663 people in nine months...
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    So whats the fork of choice then ?

    I've had a few bargains from Bankrupt Bike Store in the past (Ebay store, direct, I think also Amazon)
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    Gears for higher powered conversion question

    Hi, there are some very experienced folk here who will be along to offer advice soon. My first though is that the derailleur shouldn't be affected by the power of the motor as it's on the untensioned section of the chain. Is there a chance it was bent when the bike fell over / got some...
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    Cheapish Motor Wheels

    A friend has been running a shipping company for many years. He pointed me at trade articles after Brexit that showed shipments UK/EU and EU/UK dropped a lot (80% decrease?). From personal experience chatting to him and several "One man band" manufacturers it's just not economic for many small...
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    £1.33 pannier bags from aliexpress..

    A shopping basket filled level is about the right quantity for my panniers so it's easy to avoid buying too much. I always have a carabiner (spring loaded keyring clip) on the back of my seat, very handy to secure the top of a rucksack that's too tall to fit in the panniers. A plastic basket...
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    Why is so much illegal 'commuting' not policed ?

    Hi .I'm not doubting what you were told but could you ask for a photo and upload it? A few years ago a motoring forum I use asked if anyone could send them a photo of a "33 mph in a 30 zone" ticket. Lots of people knew "friends of friends" who had got tickets for 31, 32, 33mph but I don't...
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    Why is so much illegal 'commuting' not policed ?

    Police have at least a couple of problems, their priorities are set by public opinion / political pressure, and they have big problems with staff recruitment, training, and morale. Police in my area often don't turn up for reports of theft & vandalism so I'm sure cyclists don't even register...
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    Rockshox fork upgrade

    If you have an older bike with basic forks and they're worn, you might find a set of new budget forks make a big improvement. I was using an older Dutch town bike, the budget Suntour forks had a lot of play in them. Fitting a new set of budget forks made the bike a lot nicer to ride and smoothed...
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    Moving a rack battery to a different part of a frame

    At best, it will work but be untidy. Will your battery physically fit in your frame triangle? Frame-style batteries normally have a tapered end for a neater fit. Best case (I guess) would be to put your battery on edge (thin side of the battery to one of the frame tubes) and see how it looks...
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    Tire Pressure....

    Good point about your forks being curved, somebody who knows more will be along soon to comment but my guess it you're right - standard fork would be too straight. If you buy forks be aware there are 2 common types of fitting, "threaded" (look for a large nut below the handlebar stem) or...
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    Tire Pressure....

    My riding is similar to yours (same weight bike + rider + luggage, badly surfaced roads) My village highstreet is a mess - half my lane is badly surfaced as in your photo - I always ride near the white line regardless of any traffic behind me. It's just a few hundred yards, my speed isn't too...