Search results

  1. N

    Sourcing motors and batteries

    Many thanks for getting back on this. I want to keep the bike as light as possible and still fun to ride if the battery runs down on a ride so I am thinking of a small front hub motor and 10AH lithium battery. Price is certainly a consideration but so is reliability and I was thinking of trying...
  2. N

    Sourcing motors and batteries

    Many thanks - will do. Nick
  3. N

    Sourcing motors and batteries

    Hi I am keen to convert my 700c wheel road bike to electric assist so that I can have some assistance with commuter route hills and heads winds while still having a bike that's fun to ride and light enough to use if the battery fails or runs down on a ride. I am thinking in terms of a...
  4. N

    Sourcing motors and batteries

    Hi I am keen to convert my 700c road bike to electric assist and need advice on sourcing a reliable motor and battery plus other bits. Any advice? Plus I would welcome feedback from anyone who has done a similar conversion. Cheers Nick