bosch gen 3 motor "surging" " pulsing"


Just Joined
Oct 17, 2023
hampshire UK
Good evening new to the forum and looking for some help with my bosch gen 3 (performance line) equipped haibike hardseven 2021 model

bike was bought second hand with only 350 miles and now has 600

unfortunately it has developed an issue with the motor assistance, the motor surges in and out of power in any mode i can hear it kicking in and out and pulses the power randomly, if i pedal hard it doesn't do it as much but when i let off and pedal slowly it isn't working correctly.
There is no issues with the speed display and is reading correctly, has no fault codes displayed. This problem has started since running the battery to near empty i don't know if it's related to the issue or not as i have run it out a couple times now with no issue like this arising.

I have checked quite a few things already with no luck starting with the magnet for the speed sensor i have moved it to all sorts of positions even removing it completely and the problem still exists, i have removed and reset the battery, removed the motor covers and checked all wiring and plugs , i even disconnected the speed sensor plug and it still has the same issue. I was using a "de restriction" kit that i also removed and hasn't made a difference.

I am now running out of things to check to diagnose this problem, i have a mobile bike technician coming around soon to plug a bosch diagnostics kit in to see if he can find the issue but i don't hold out much hope that anything will even show.

unfortunately the bike is over two years old and being the second owner i have no chance of warranty.

It has been used for commuting only nothing hard and i have cleaned the bike once and that was atleast 100 miles ago so it's definitely not any water ingress issue that im aware of.

Is there a tiny chance an update may fix this issue with it being over two years old and never been updated?

i believe the torque sensor inside the motor is playing up and causing this issue but im just guessing and have no real expertise in ebike motors to prove that.

anyone any ideas before i set fire to it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

just remove the motor bung it in a box and they will pick it up see whats wrong and give you a price to fix it or new motor.


Just Joined
Oct 17, 2023
hampshire UK

just remove the motor bung it in a box and they will pick it up see whats wrong and give you a price to fix it or new motor.
thats my last resort is to go down that route thanks for the reply


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
if they cant get rid of the fault with the software not much else anyone can do as dont sell any parts.

fingers crossed its not the cantroller but it does not take much water ingress to short out a component on it but if it is can bus part/chip its toast.
