Change battery type


Nov 21, 2006
Aldershot, Hampshire
I am interested in the powacycle Nimh batteries for £99 that flecc has brought to our attention.

My question is can I use these on my kit instead of my li-ion battery? My kit has is 24V with a 15A controller, 6.8Ah li-ion. My main concern is voltage sag. I believe my controller cuts off at 20.8V but having said that the lowest volts my li-ions get to is 26.4V-ish (this may be due to the battery management system though and not the controller). Does anyone know what the characteristics of Nimh batteries are with regards to the voltage as they are discharged? Will I be able to use much of the capacity before the voltage sags too much?


Oct 25, 2006
You can use the whole of the capacity with NiMh Paul, there's no internal protection in the battery as there is with Li-ion. You'll need to have a Powacycle charger for that Powacycle pack though, since NiMh batteries have to have a thermistor to control the charge. The thermistor is included in the Powacycle battery, but you can't use the Li-ion charger with the pack, it has to be the right charger to connect to the thermistor.

The Powacycle charger was £40 last time I checked, so that would boost the price to about £139.