Cyclamatic Power Plus - Original battery size 24v but what about the other bit... Ah ????

Anna B

Just Joined
Apr 14, 2017
Channel Islands
Hi, I need a replacement battery and want to know the exact battery details that came with the bike. The battery supplier is asking this..... I need to know the power of your motor which is marked with W (i.e 250W).

Many thanks


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 28, 2016
Your bike is fitted with a 250W (watt) motor. Ah is the capacity of your battery, how much power it holds. I think your bike came with a 10Ah, but you could increase this for more range. This one is 15Ah and shipped from EU.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
The original battery was a 24v 10Ah silver fish type. It's a standard battery that you can buy from Ebay or Aliexpress. As long as the case is the same shape, you can fit whatever capacity you want. Batteries have moved on since that bike was made, so you can get much better ones now for not too much money. This one icomes on 10Ah or 20Ah for double the capacity or double the range and is very cheap. It's the correct size for your bike.

Whenever you buy a replacement battery, you should always check that the polarity is the same as the previous one before installing. if it's the wrong way round, it's very easy to swap it over.
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Anna B

Just Joined
Apr 14, 2017
Channel Islands
Thank you. I purchased a new battery the same 'size' as the one the bike came with, but unfortunately it came with a different base. I fitted the new base, wrong way around to start with, then changed it around. Only to find that the battery is worse than the one I took out, it doesn't go uphill. I am looking for a refund from the company I purchased it from and will need a purchase a better battery. I will look at your recommendations. Thanks again.
