Main Dealer Servicing


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
A year ago we bought a low mileage, two previous owners vivaro combi. It has a wheel chair ramp fitted so is ideal for putting our bikes in for away rides.:)
It's a 2012 and only had 29,600 miles on it - so a bargin as the dealer had taken it in part ex and couldn't shift it.
The service book had three stamps in it, one from a Winchester Vauxhall main dealer and two from the Pontyprydd dealer we bought it from.
Mileages were 15762,25788 and 29686, this last one being the service I asked for on purchase.
Yesterday I had it serviced by my local 'back street garage' who I've got a long standing relationship with (36671 mls). They found the oil filter and air filter were date stamped 2012 and the pollen filter was almost entirely blocked. Whilst these could have been 'old new stock' at service it's some coincidence that they are the same year as manufacture. I now have to have everything checked 'cos it looks like nothings been done.

So, as has seemingly been the case for many years, you pay through the nose and just can't trust main dealers.
The workshop I use is cramped and messy, but I have a personal relationship with these boys and have done electrical work (lighting etc.) for them in a barter arrangement. They're not the most efficient but they're not going to stiff me in the way these main dealers have, me and previous owners.
It's the first time in my whole motoring life that I've bought from a main dealer. It's not something that's likely to be repeated.
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