Newbie with Powacycle Puma LPX...In doubt

Northern Irelander

Jun 4, 2009
Hello all

I have just purchased a Puma folding bike for commuting long distance and ease of carriage on public transport. It was acquired via mail order

When connecting the battery for the first time, something shorted in the light unit, then the cable melted the whole way to the control unit, smoked the place out. The connector can only go one way, so not sure what caused this.

I phoned the company the technician seemed very helpful they said a new unit would be sent out, but it only took them 2 1/2 weeks to get the bike delivered to me :mad: :rolleyes: wasn't impressed with customer service.

Im worried I have a duff unit, the range says 24-33 miles on PA, first time using the bike only managed around 17miles. (I'm 13 st)
I find the full power mode restricted, definitely feels like a power drain.

What can I do to enhance the power output of the 180w motor?

Many thanks

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 16, 2008
I phoned the company (e-b**** direct) the technician seemed very helpful they said a new unit would be sent out, but it only took them 2 1/2 weeks to get the bike delivered to me :mad: :rolleyes: wasn't impressed with customer service.
Hmm - I got a bike recently from this same company and everything went flawlessly - I did get them to commit to despatching on a certain day (which they did) and also chased for the tracking number of the package and the courier name..

I suspect that Powacycle themselves were out of stock or the first unit was sent back as a Powacycle warranty repair and awaited the new unit from Essex rather than e-bikes direct stock...Also though its a shame to have to still say this I wonder if shipments of such items as assemblies of electronic components, batteries etc might once again be subject to extra "security checks" in the part of the UK where you live, in light of recent events. I used to work for a company supplying broadcast electronics equipment and BBC NI's consigments often went though extensive checking both at the couriers and on receipt at Belfast...

Its worth actually making your voice heard to the companies about this delay, and never trusting a delivery date until you have a consigment number and courier name or despatch note... (this goes for everything, not just bikes..)

As for the range, I think that might be about right for your weight and the power of the motor, which is one of the lower power models. I am 10 stone and get about 27 miles range on the Powacycle Salisbury....
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Northern Irelander

Jun 4, 2009
Hmm - I got a bike recently from this same company and everything went flawlessly - I did get them to commit to despatching on a certain day (which they did) and also chased for the tracking number of the package and the courier name..

I suspect that Powacycle themselves were out of stock or the first unit was sent back as a Powacycle warranty repair and awaited the new unit from Essex rather than e-bikes direct stock...Also though its a shame to have to still say this I wonder if shipments of such items as assemblies of electronic components, batteries etc might once again be subject to extra "security checks" in the part of the UK where you live, in light of recent events. I used to work for a company supplying broadcast electronics equipment and BBC NI's consigments often went though extensive checking both at the couriers and on receipt at Belfast...

Its worth actually making your voice heard to the companies about this delay, and never trusting a delivery date until you have a consigment number and courier name or despatch note... (this goes for everything, not just bikes..)

As for the range, I think that might be about right for your weight and the power of the motor, which is one of the lower power models. I am 10 stone and get about 27 miles range on the Powacycle Salisbury....

Thanks for your input, I hear you regarding the electronic components, but having spoken to the local courier depot, they assure me that standard parcels and goods shouldn't be delayed because of security issues.
After numerous phone calls, with me chasing the company, who in turn were chasing the courier, at most it should be an extra day to NI. The bikes were in stock and I ordered by phone, only to be told it would be here on a certain day.

With all the delay aside, it is the shorting out that worries me, would the battery be shorting and resulting in losing power. The two pin connector is disconnected whilst I wait for a new loom and light unit.

When pedelling as fast as I can go it feels like the brakes are going on and off again, low end power seems smooth but top end is quite jerky, is this normal.

I have yet to fit my cycle computer to get a top speed.

Are there in depth wiring diagrams for these? I only have a basic one in the manual.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 16, 2008

Thanks for your input, I hear you regarding the electronic components, but having spoken to the local courier depot, they assure me that standard parcels and goods shouldn't be delayed because of security issues.
After numerous phone calls, with me chasing the company, who in turn were chasing the courier, at most it should be an extra day to NI. The bikes were in stock and I ordered by phone, only to be told it would be here on a certain day.

With all the delay aside, it is the shorting out that worries me, would the battery be shorting and resulting in losing power. The two pin connector is disconnected whilst I wait for a new loom and light unit.
TBH it sounds like really between e-bikes direct and powacycle they should be sending you a entire new bike and battery recovering the other one at their expense, which should be returned to Essex for inspection so this dangerous mistake is not made with other machines. This dead short certainly wouldn't have done the battery any good...

Northern Irelander

Jun 4, 2009
In short I know my right to return the goods within 7 days if not happy, truth is I like the concept of little e-bike, faults and all. I have already sourced upgraded wheels, handlebars and shimano gears, front forks could go as well LOL

With it taking so long to reach me, I am reluctant to wait for another one, plus I removed the stoopid graphics, so it's no longer 'as new'.

I do however have warranty and am happy to have any modular components sent.

The batt shorted on first connection after its first 10-12hr charge, I will get the multimeter out and see what its churning out. I'm disappointed the trickle charger doesn't have a power guage or amp reading.

I'm one for serious modifying, quite happy to improve my purchase ;)

Northern Irelander

Jun 4, 2009
just an update, on cycling to work this morning, partly by car then a few miles by bike.

at higher speeds the motor is making a funny grinding noise :confused: sounds like something is fouling on the tyre but I have checked it over and it spins freely,
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Northern Irelander

Jun 4, 2009
Well after another day of testing the Puma,

the grinding noise was vibration/resonance from the back mud-guard, it wasn't loose or touching, being metal, it just seems to ampifly the whine of the motor, some more rubber packing will sort that,

When I lift the back wheel and spin on throttle, there appears to be two speeds, the first speed lasts for about 3 secs, then a slight change it power and the wheel spins flat out indefinitely.

Is this 'gearing' mechanical? or purely an 'electronic' control?

In fairness, the company whom I purchased the bike from said they would refund if not happy and I return the goods £35 postage on my part.

After taking their advice I charged the battery for the second time and did a test run with computer attached.

Top speed on the flat is around 14mph, the jerky/resistance effect is definitely the motor trying to control/limit speed, it can be noted at speeds 13-14mph. On a very steep descent, the computer registered 22mph :eek: ;) :cool: thats more my cruising speed, the bike was remarkably stable with just 16" wheels, Circumference = 1.25 metres.

I'm looking at the possibility of fitting slicks which should give more range from the battery, the knobbly ones fitted give a 'drone effect' on tarmac.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2009
Hi. Just noticed this thread- you'd probably get more help if you posted on the general forum. I suspect most people don't look too often on these more specialised ones.


Oct 25, 2006
The gearing is mechanical, orbital gears like these ones, but the noise at maximum revs can result from the speed just overshooting the motor rev limit so the gears and internal freewheel rattle. At a higher speed that stops as the "ball and ramp" freewheel releases. The maximum assisted speed is set by the battery voltage, there is no electronic limiting in the controller.

Smoother treaded tyres will certainly improve the ride quality and it's a worthwhile upgrade. Otherwise, the main unsatisfactory thing that's common to almost all small wheel bikes is that the rider's gearing is too low, the legs spinning fast in top gear to keep up with the motor speed on the flat, though experienced cyclists happy with high cadences don't mind that.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 16, 2008
on vbulletin forums having loads of sub-forums isn't such an issue if the "new posts" link is set up correctly (which it is on this forum) as it will lead people to the new posts across any sub forum

That said it is a bit dissapointing that after the chap called Carl left that Powacycle has not kept up a presence on here - they do have a tech support guy but he either chooses not to post on here or has been actively discouraged from doing so - I do not know which is the case.

Whilst the manufacturers being on line increases the potential cost of customer service and it does mean their rep has to read details of how every quality and customer service problem is thrown into the harsh glare of on-line scrutiny, as a customer I think this is an excellent thing!

It was precisely because of how Wisper dealt with the teething problems with the 905SE over two(?) years since it went into production which made me choose them over and above the other bikes in that price range, they showed a level of service which is very rare for any company, even those selling premium priced products and is at the top of the pile for Great Britain.

I do know its a harsh market with very lean companies (I have also scrutinised the financial data of both Akhter group and WEVCO and both have been affected by exchange rate fluctations, particularly in the case of Akhter going from profit to loss in a half-year despite working hard to preserve sales revenue must be hard on morale) but I still consider it essential to keep customer service and quality levels high to preserve the market..
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Northern Irelander

Jun 4, 2009
Hi all

Thanks for the input, battery has been charged 3 times now the full 10-12hrs.

Miles have increased, and bike has quietened down.

Phoned the supply company and said that I was keeping the bike afterall, yay!

Mind you in the meantime they were supposed to send a replacement light and power panel, as I have been running the bike without one since the 1st one fried. Still hasn't arrived but was told to expect it by the weekend.

As I have no power indicator, I have been gauging charge by the braking effect at top motor speed with cycle computer. As the power drains you can see a gradual decline in top speed, usually falling to 9mph when the battery is about to die.

I took some pics of the chargrilled red and green wires from the light unit.
No option to upload piccies on this forum? Both wires are frazzled, I wonder were they soldered wrongly?


Oct 25, 2006
No option to upload piccies on this forum?
There's two ways to post photos:

First way: Click the paper clip button above the reply box and have a look at the photo size rules there for different file types. Then make sure the picture conforms to those rules, and preferably is sized to 800 x 600 pixels or less to avoid the huge oversize things that some insist on posting.

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Second way: If you have somewhere to post pictures online like or similar, you can display those here in this way. Just go to your web image, right click it and select Copy Image Location from the context menu, or if that doesn't show, click Properties on the context menu that appears and highlight and copy the URL there on the Properties page. Then return to the Reply box here, position the cursor below the text where you want the photo to appear and click the yellow mountain scene icon above. You'll get a box to paste in the link and ok it.

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