Should I Just buy a new Leccy Bike?


Nov 21, 2006
Hi Flec and everyone,

Didn't know where to post this so easier to start a new thread.

After your advice on my bike cutting out, I cleaned the parts with Isopropyl Alcohol it seemed to make little difference. For the first time today it did feel like the power was weakening, which leads me to think that the battery should be replaced (i'm not techincally minded so I could be way out on my thinking).

This brought me to some thinking of if I should just buy a new bike (yep a big step-up from buying a battery LOL). What I don't want to do is start buying replacement parts for the Currie only to find that thats not the problem.

I do like the Currie and its a great conversion kit that does me well, but if I do need to replace many things it could start costing me quite a bit.

2 cheap bikes I've spotted PowaCycle Windsor £499( and the IZIP £399 on any thoughts on these?
Bare in mind that I don't need to climb mountains, just some hills with a bit of help and I know there are some high end leccy bikes out there.

PowaCycle I know nothing about, but is where I bought the Currie conversion kit and was happy with there service.
Izip appeals to me because it uses the Currie and 50cycles is always mentioned on the threads, and that can't be bad :)

Any advice is greatly appreciated...


P.S Its nice to see a range of low step through ladies leccy bikes that actually look nice....


Oct 25, 2006
As you say Marian, things have really looked up lately for step through bikes.

Both of those bikes you mentioned are fine, it's just a matter of deciding the features you value the most.

The Currie Izip is all steel and again uses the lead acid batteries, so you'll know its going to be a heavy bike but a good performer. Being a complete Currie bike means it's drive arrangement is better than the kit that you're used to.

The Powacycle is alloy and uses an NiMh battery so is therefore quite light. It's also refined and quieter than the Currie, but it is less powerful. The Powacycle Windsor is tested at length in the current edition of A to B magazine (issue 56, October) and generally met with their approval and it's running costs worked out the lowest of any electric they've tested in their ten year experience. The one real criticism was that the suspension forks were a bit "sloppy", but frankly none of the cheap suspension forks are particularly clever.

If you want to get a back issue of that magazine, here's the website link. Scroll right to the bottom of the page for "How to Order".
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Nov 21, 2006
Hi Flec,

Cheers for the advice.

After all the considerations, I will probably keep to an add on motor. Main reasons for this is my size I'm only 5 foot and always find "normal" sized bikes too big, my inisde leg is only 24/25 inches LOL.

My Trek is superb and it took me a hell of long time to find the right sized bike but found a great shop in Weston Super Mare who ordered it in for me.

I might go for the Bionx next as it doesn't seem as bulky as the Currie. I have emailed PowerScoots to see if they have any further info on when it will be avialable and what sort of price it will be, but I havn't had a reply yet.

Until then, I will start with replacing the battery for the Currie and hope that solves the problem.

Thanks again,


Oct 25, 2006
I hope the new battery does the trick Marian.

If not, you'll find the sophistication of the BionX a revelation after the uncomplicated Currie, but the batteries won't be anywhere near as cheap!


Nov 4, 2006
Hi Flec

To hijack the thread... do you know if the Bionx batteries can be had cheaper elsewhere? Once the guarantee's run out, I may try taking a peak inside the case. Idle curiosity really, as hopefully by the time I need a new battery they'll be 50p and a conker from Dixons :p


Oct 25, 2006
I don't know Nick, I got so frightened when I saw the price that I was too scared to look elsewhere! :eek:

Seriously, I will join you in trying to find a cheaper source, but the real problem is that there's no cell replacement services for Li-ions since there's so many different types at present.


Nov 21, 2006
Hi Everyone,

Just an update on my enquiry about the Bionx at PowerScoots.

I didn't get a reply, but, they have now taken the Bionx off their website, so I will take that as they aint going to stock it.

A shame coz I really like the look of it. If anyone gets to know of any stockists when it does arrive, remember to let me know :)

Nick... I know you imported yours and you gave a great review of it. I am well jealous...if I'm in your area I might knock on your door and ask for a go!! LOL



Oct 25, 2006
Hi Flec

hopefully by the time I need a new battery they'll be 50p and a conker from Dixons :p
In fact Dixons have disappeared instead, so you can stop holding your breath! :)
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