Best start point might be motor cycle dealers Jonathan.
Motorbikes have handlebar emergency cutout switches wired in series with the ignition switch. These are for emergencies such as a stuck throttle or for third parties to use after an accident. The switch is either adjacent to the throttle twistgrip or part of it, the latter no good to you of course. The possible snag is that motor cycle handlebars are often 30 mm, against most bikes having 22 mm bars, so a sleeve pad might be needed.
Alternatively, a motor cycle horn push button might do the job, though these are also sometimes integrated.
In both cases, older motorbikes are most likely to have separate items, and a motor cycle dealer can refer you to a motor cycle breakers. If not, a copy of Motor Cycle News, I think still out on Wednesdays, carries many breakers ads in the Advertising section. A phone call to one of them could provide an answer and a low cost part.