Alpino 706 drag and 705 gear lever


Mar 31, 2011
Forum: Wisper Bikes Clinic
Questions specifically directed to David/Doug from Wisper Bikes.

My question was for You

I will await your full explanation on the motor drag

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Yes I understand. It is worth noting that if anyone needs a question answered quickly it is always best to speak to your dealer, contact Wisper support by email or me directly email or phone. I don't get notification of questions from the Clinic unless I log on to Pedelecs which I simply cannot do every day, however I will always guaranty to answer within the week.

I look forward to getting back to you very soon with Dapush's reasons why you are feeling the effect. Is it only for a few seconds after you turn off the motor or much longer?

All the best



Mar 31, 2011
It takes approx 30 seconds or so to clear after switching off the power.
I posted here to find out from other Wisper 706 Alpino owners if they 'suffered' the same sysmtoms......which they have

I know you are busy elsewhere and I appreciate you now taking the time to get answers from the makers to my question .


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 22, 2009
To be honest you should just count yourself lucky that the manufacturer/distributor even participates in the form. Most manufacturers would not bother their ar5e with a forum. If you wanted an official answer you should as pointed speak to your dealer or phone whisper. Now if you were just asking a question to other forum members then thats fair enought, but i really would not expect/demand an answer form wisper bikes. Just my opinion.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
It takes approx 30 seconds or so to clear after switching off the power.
I posted here to find out from other Wisper 706 Alpino owners if they 'suffered' the same sysmtoms......which they have

I know you are busy elsewhere and I appreciate you now taking the time to get answers from the makers to my question .
Great, thanks, I thought it could only be a few seconds, as i say i will get back to you as soon as I have an answer. In my opinion this will be seen as perfectly normal, it is very unusual for the bike to be turned off whilst riding, as a matter of interest is there a reason you do this this? How much resistance can you feel?

All the best

Last edited:


Mar 31, 2011
Yes, I agree.
Great to have Wisper onboard to answer questions put to them.

I only switch it on if I am on an incline or needing to catch up with SWMBO in her 705.
I don't see the need to have the power on unless it is necessary or a requirment for the bike to function properly.

It feels as tho' the brakes are slightly on and you are meeting resistance.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Yes, I agree.
Great to have Wisper onboard to answer questions put to them.

I only switch it on if I am on an incline or needing to catch up with SWMBO in her 705.
I don't see the need to have the power on unless it is necessary or a requirment for the bike to function properly.

It feels as tho' the brakes are slightly on and you are meeting resistance.
Leave it with me, I am impressed by your stamina! I will try to find a solution for you.

Best regards!


Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Hi 289

I have spoken to Dapu who say there should not be any drag, our test manager Anthony Clyde says it may be what he calls "the bag of cement factor" which when the power is turned off the bike feels as if someone has added a bag of cement onto the frame simply because the assistance is no longer there. After a few seconds your brain gets used to the different feeling.

I have asked how I can get you to test your motor. In the mean time try gently roll down a hill without pedalling with power on and then turn it off, can you feel the bike slow down?

All the best



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2008
I tried different speeds and only got the bag of cement feeling, there was no noticable point where it eased up and it felt like there was no drag from the motor.


Dec 12, 2010
I have the Alpino 906 which I purchased from PowaRIder in January this year and have covered c.1000 miles of recreational road riding. I only use the motor when it is needed and leave it switched off as much as possible and I can identify with the 'bag of cement' effect but have not experienced any 'drag'. My bike was fitted with 15.4 battery and I have managed in excess of 80 miles in a single run with the battery still showing a fair amount of power left.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
That's great news!

The new 15.4 and now 16Ah batteries are returning great ranges and although electric bikes are heavy at 24/5kg the drag on the Alpino motor is now so small it can hardly be felt. As I mentioned earlier in this thread I simply can't feel it on my bike.

I am delighted you are enjoying the Alpino!

Best regards



Mar 31, 2011
Thanks David for the reply

Just back.

Will try the freewheel test as you say.....once the weather clears.

Will also try a different test.
I'll spin the front wheel before I set off and then when I experience my 'drag', I'll stop and spin the front wheel again and hopefully not notice any difference.
What if there is a differnce?

The senond poster 'acucobol' mentioned he experienced the same effect as myself....could you also try my test?

In the meantime, I understand it is safe to switch off the motor whilst riding.

Are the 906 and 706 Alpino bikes identical with the motor and wiring?

Again, many thanks David for the reply

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Hi 289, thanks for agreeing to do the test and great idea re your test I will try my bike this afternoon.

Yes the 706 and 906 wiring is identical, and it is safe to turn off power whist riding.

No problems re reply, just keen to get to the bottom of the issue!

All the best



Mar 31, 2011
Hi David

Well I managed to get oot for a wee run on the bike this evening.
Tried switching off the bike after a time when free wheeling and found No Drag
Nothing Nada.
Test 2......who came up with that bright idea?
Need to have words as it was a complete disaster. Testing the wheel before I set off was easy, but trying to stop the bike, lift the front end and watch for any difference in wheel rotation- the drag- was impossible. I'll never suggest any tries my idea again !!!

Never managed time to switch off the bike when pedalling to see if I met 'the bag of cement' effect (drag). Will try the bike at the weekend if the weather improves.

Fingers crossed it is just ma auld legs

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Hi 289, I thought your test sounded fine! I am surprised it didn't work!

I am delighted to read that there is absolutely no drag on the motor. The motor we use on the Alpino, SEL and DaaHub kit is a very fine example of Japanese engineering and one of the reasons we use it is due to the 0 drag factor, so I was worried when I read your post.

Delighted all's worked out for you! Where do you live and ride the bike?

If I can ever be of any help in the future please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards



Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 21, 2010
Bristol BS16, UK

To confirm, my OH's new 705 does the same thing if powered off on the handlebars while the motor is running, freewheeling till the motor stops then turning off gives her no problems.

As an aside, it could be something odd going on with the controller, maybe it remains powered because the motor is engaged / generating. I've seen something similar on a wheelchair controller (in a robot) that applied the brakes at speed because the wheels generated enough volts to power up the controller.


Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Hi Chris

That all sounds perfect. When the bike is turned off there is no power going to the motor. The motor we use simply has a superb free wheel action and no no perceivable drag.

Thanks for your input!

All the best

