Are e-bikes with an off-road switch legal to ride on UK roads under 15.5mph?


Oct 25, 2006
The 250W nominal power is just EU administrative twaddle.
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Bosch, Yamaha and co.'s lobbyists probably drafted the law
What actually happened was that the EU followed what the Japanese had done. The Japanese had decided on pedelec control of 250 watts on the basis of rough equallity with average fit human ability, and 25 kph assist limit with specified phase down above 15 kph, which they considered normal cycling speed. That 15 kph seems ridiculous to us, but it reflects the normal Japanese practice of riding on shared paths with pedestrians and that in some areas being compulsory.

Therefore the EU also decided on pedelec 250 watts, 25 kph assist limit and power phase down, but to reflect different European circumstances the phase down point and manner not specified.

Since then Australia and China have adopted roughly the same law, but the Chinese enforcement is being phased in to accommodate their existing circa 700 watt machines.
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