Bit of a bummer.....


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Although a few of you already know the details, I thought I would just briefly explain my recent absence from the forum, I do, after all, count you as friends even though we might not have all met.
I had a total life changing moment in January when I was diagnosed with bowel cancer.
Since then I have moved to South Shields to be near my family.....and nearer the hospital !
Tomorrow I finish a course of Radiotherapy/Chemo and I actually feel not too bad considering.
My op should be in a couple of months.
In the meantime, as soon as I feel better I intend getting away in the van.....with bike.....for a few weeks, just trying to decide where....decisions decisions lol
But Im thinking France, or maybe Ireland, or Scotland or Denmark......dithering as usual ;)
So forgive me for abandoning you for a while, Paul is running Cyclecharge alone until Im back fighting fit and those of you who know me will also know that I intend that to be as soon as possible......Im a stubborn geordie and I will NOT be thwarted especially by this.
Anyway, hope you are all well and dont mind me sharing a bit of my life
Stay healthy

Lynda :)


Oct 25, 2006
Hi Lynda, good to hear from you and I'm glad the chemo has finished. Excuses for your absence from here and Cyclecharge have been made in here by others, so no need to be concerned on that account.

Wherever you decide to go, have a wonderful holiday, it's well earned and deserved. :)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 28, 2013
Not sure how many miles you want to do but EV5 would be my pick if I had the time. Belgium is one of my favourite holiday destinations tho.

Not on that route but a couple of not bad cheapish places I stayed last year.

Decent friendly hostel, shared bathrooms but lovely rooms and not far from city center.

Really big rooms was recently refitted when we stayed, in the diamond district which is busy mon-fri with diamond trade and ghost town on weekends. I think we booked it with for big discounts.

Depends what you want to see/do. Give us a rough idea and I'm sure you will get a ton of unusual trip advisor pages to link too.

Drielandenpunt at the netherlands+belgium+german border isn't much to see but has an observation tower as it's the highest point in the netherlands so maybe worth a stop if you are driving that way. Seemed like a sort of missed place that local school kids would visit on day trips but we went on a weekend.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 6, 2012
Although a few of you already know the details, I thought I would just briefly explain my recent absence from the forum, I do, after all, count you as friends even though we might not have all met.
I had a total life changing moment in January when I was diagnosed with bowel cancer.
Since then I have moved to South Shields to be near my family.....and nearer the hospital !
Tomorrow I finish a course of Radiotherapy/Chemo and I actually feel not too bad considering.
My op should be in a couple of months.
In the meantime, as soon as I feel better I intend getting away in the van.....with bike.....for a few weeks, just trying to decide where....decisions decisions lol
But Im thinking France, or maybe Ireland, or Scotland or Denmark......dithering as usual ;)
So forgive me for abandoning you for a while, Paul is running Cyclecharge alone until Im back fighting fit and those of you who know me will also know that I intend that to be as soon as possible......Im a stubborn geordie and I will NOT be thwarted especially by this.
Anyway, hope you are all well and dont mind me sharing a bit of my life
Stay healthy

Lynda :)
Get better soon my loving sexy Linda xxxxxxxxxx and we all miss YOU xxxxxxxxx hurry up and get better GOD BLESS U.

PS. Can I borrow your motor and your left hand brake lever until your ready for them?



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2011
East Sussex
Hi Funklyn, I did wonder where you had got to, I thought you were busy with your new business. So sorry to hear you've not been well, but I for one will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts. Godspeed to you, in all your endeavours. XX


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2012
Boston lincs
Lynda, I have missed you. A lot. I wondered what had happened to you. In the abscence of information, all sorts of strange thoughts come to mind. My first thought was, has she gone back to smoking rollups, and is keeping her head down? The truth is that you have had more important things to worry about. I am glad that your treatment is nearly finished. Wherever you decide to go on your travels, I hope you thoroughly enjoy it. I am sure I speak for all when I say that we look forward to hearing from you again soon. Meanwhile, spend some time doing what YOU want to do.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Unfortunately this is really just the start of my journey, the hope is that the Radiotherapy coupled with low dosage chemo will shrink the tumour enough to operate safely....after tomorrow I will be left to 'cook' for 2 months before my next CT and MRI scans then a month later hopefully a successful operation. My biggest worry apart from being terrified of anaesthetic (yes....I know...its better than being awake thru it all lol ) is that my op is going to clash with my plans for my mams surprise 90th birthday party !
Anyway, in the meantime I intend getting away in the motorhome and having some adventures before my wings are clipped for a while.
If I can get to any of the bike 'do's ' I will
Meanwhile, the Whitfield Pantry is still up and running by my amazing staff until the takeover in may of the new buyer.

Looks like I didnt start vaping soon enough Neptune :(
Funnily enough I havent felt the need to vape since my diagnosis.....funny what shock does to you.....but I wouldnt advise that sort of shock generally as a way to give up anything :rolleyes:

Thankfully I have been blessed with amazing family and friends and a sense of humour, determination, optimism and the sure knowledge that no matter what, there is always someone worse off than myself and I have learnt to count my blessings.

Lynda :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 13, 2007
West of Scotland
Hope everything goes well for you Linda.

If you do venture up to Scotland and are anywhere near my town of Greenock, get in touch and I can take you on one of the many nice scenic rides around the Argyle area.

Best Wishes Ken
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 26, 2010
I Have missed your posts and humour, I was to scared to ask if anyone knew where you were.
All the best with your treatment and I hope you enjoy your trip, if you ever decide where you are going :)
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mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
General Anaesthetic.
To set your mind at rest, my last op. I didn't even get a pre-med because I was in a private hospital.
I walked down to the theatre, lay down on the trolley, they jabbed me in the back of my hand.
I kid you not, I decided to sing to them because they were joking with each other and seemed so happy.
I finished the first verse of 'Making Whoopee'.
I had my eyes closed to concentrate. As I finished singing, the Doctor alongside me said, 'We don't get many of those.' I was trying to think of a clever answer and opened my eyes.
Because they were sticky, I knew that I had been asleep, but I had no sensation of dropping off or coming around.
Honestly, it was nothing at all.
A week later I was in the Dentist's chair and had to endure a root canal filling. Far worse.
So, don't worry at all.
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Hi Lynda,

Sometimes life can be so cruel to the nicest people...........but who knows, maybe Lewis will make to the end of the next Grand Prixo_Oo_Oo_O

What a year it has been one way and other, but it's great that you have friends and family around to give support when it is really needed.

Let's all hope you when you get over this you will soon be cruising the open road looking for adventures in the funky wagon;)
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Deleted member 4366

The anaesthetic is nothing these days. When I had my operation recently, they wheeled me into the prep room. I didn't even know that they were ready. The next thing, I woke up and it was all over. It was sort of a pleasant experience.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea

I am so very sorry about your news. Absolutely gutted for you.
I did try to contact you a couple of times since Christmas and just thought you were busy with new stuff. I feel bad now that I didn't suss maybe something was wrong.
I have a friend who had exactly the same diagnosis 2 years ago. The radio stuff was horrible she said - I guess you might feel the same - but the op went really well and she is now 100% recovered and running about like a 10 year old. You would never have thought it. So please please ....chin up, as best you can. You'll get through this, especially with friends and family nearby.
BTW, I had a gall stone op 3 years ago, absolutely terrified of the anaesthetic. My colleague's wife here is a post op nurse at the hospital and he knew she would be on duty the day I went in.
'If you wake up and she's standing over you wearing white, you know that the worst has happened', he said. 'If she's wearing blue, you know everything's fine.'. I woke up and apparently said 'Oh good, you're blue'. - then went back to sleep again! I slept the whole day and then tucked into a surprisingly nice dinner (for a hospital), and home the next morning. Not so bad, and I had a nice rest.
I'll PM you later.
Hatti xxx
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
I sent Lynda an email earlier asking where she was.

Oops, that will teach me to read all the forum.

Just to add my good wishes.

I called in to see Lynda earlier this year, and she is just as good, kind, and fun to be with in real life as she is on here.

If there's any natural justice, her treatment will go well.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Lynda, I was sorry to hear your news. Sending best wishes to you x

Get your Britstops book out and choose a place to go in your van.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
On the topic of anaesthetic, when I had my hip replaced there was an option to remain awake during the operation.

The leaflet advised having music on via an mp3 player, which I understood was to drown out the noise of the surgeon's saw and drill.

Mmm, not a tough decision, I went for the full knock out.

I believe I did talk some drivel on waking up, I was certainly disorientated.

The orientation came back quick enough, but I like to think the drivel never fully left me.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 27, 2010
Six weeks ago, at 60, I had my first ever operation, a Cardiac Artery Bypass.
This was a surprise as I had no symptoms and went to see the GP with sinus trouble. Well, it could not have been easier. Sedated and woke up next day in ICU feeling wonderful (morphine, I expect). Even had a picture taken. Within two days was up and walking. wearing my own clothes. Have been back at work for 3 weeks part time. Now going to try cycling again this weekend, and driving, and swimming. My aim is to ride a Unicycle by my birthday in June.

Good luck with surgery Lynda. I know these are different operations but the level of skill and care is phenomenal. There is no need to be frightened. Just a couple of tips from a hospital first timer. Limit the number of visitors; you will be tired and possibly a bit incoherent. Second, take a set of good comfortable clothes, I felt so much better getting out of pyjamas and wearing a pair of chinos and a brand new shirt.

Still got sinus trouble though.

All the very best.

