Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Justice in tory Britain:


Louise Haigh MP

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The judge who gave the anti-fracking campaigners hefty sentences reportedly had family links to shale gas giant, Centrica. In a case as important as this which deprived peaceful campaigners of their liberty, it cannot be right that there was even the perception of bias on behalf of the judge.

I've written to the Lord Chancellor calling for an investigation. Justice must be done and seen to be done.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Just watched the BBC News, amazing how it seems that the numbers involved in Farage's pro Brexit Rally must be truly incredible as even many hours later it has proved impossible to count them, and the London Police who normally are pretty good at counting crowd numbers are vague there too!

Fake News? well actually refusal to expose inconvenient news is actually the case here!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Just in case some right winger quotes Thatcher would have approved of Brexit,here is a reminder

It's probably uniquely the case that for one moment only this appalling creature accidentally spoke the truth
But of course this didn't stop her lying, cheating, and blaming the EU for every ill considered policy she and those that succeeded her inflicted on this country.
And opting out from our rightful place as full honest and committed members of the EU, and the super state it will now become without our malign and selfish interference.
She simply wanted us to be a parasite on it's back.
And now we have lost even that sustenance.


Esteemed Pedelecer
The plonkers who still believe that the multi-millionaire class have their interests at heart obviously failed to listen at school during history lessons if they think that the rich will look after the less well-off and the middle class if such a thing still exists in the UK.

This infographic illustrates very clearly how the rich see ordinary folk:




Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
the numbers involved in Farage's pro Brexit Rally must be truly incredible as even many hours later it has proved impossible to count them,
they were inside the pub where Nigel Farage was seen handing over pints.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
In the Telegraph
Someone has forgotten which side he's on!
Dominic Raab: Drop the backstop or the UK will not extend Brexit transition period

And they managed a little sarcasm too
Berets, juvenile posters, and EU-themed wigs: Did the ‘People’s March’ dispel any of its stereotypes?"

No, but the scale of support Farage's pro Brexit support rally certainly did, how come you failed to mention it? I the number being bandied about was 790!
And the Daily Mail tried to reduce the turnout in London along with the usual sarcasm
'Let's be havin' EU': Delia Smith leads luvvie army as Mariella Frostrup, Richard Bacon and Bob Geldof join 'half a million' on 'People's Vote' march demanding second referendum as chef says people 'weren't fully informed' first time

What is a "Luvvie army"?

And a reader comment is interesting
Perlican, Newbury, United Kingdom, 4 minutes ago

It was 700,000 ten minutes ago. And the police say 200k. Soon it'll just be these luvvie twerps.."

Nice try!

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
It was 700,000 ten minutes ago. And the police say 200k. Soon it'll just be these luvvie twerps.."
In these days of massive photographic reconnaissance, isn't it easier than ever for the police to estimate attendance? Isn't there a head-recognition app which can count numbers in a photo within seconds? Of course, plus statistical information from transport companies, how busy roads are, etc.

Makes me think of a reverse Trump inauguration.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
Which is precisely what Farage (and others) said they would do had the 2016 apology for a referendum gone the other way.
Your records may be better than mine, but in any case what someone said they would do is irrelevant given they didn't get the chance to do it.

What happened was a bunch of patronising know-alls began a determined 'we know best' campaign to reverse the result.

Talking down to people in that way merely makes them more determined to stick to their position, thereby proving Remainers are not nearly as clever as they think they are.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
When the Leave people imagine that there was a time that the UK was succesful "all on it's own due to it's industry and virtue" they are due this reminder.
Our success was due to the countries we exploited as if it was our right to do so

Once we lost them and the riches we stole from them, it was a slow but certain downhill spiral all the way to needing an IMF loan, untill joining the EEC gave us the support we needed to survive.

In the moderm world big isn't just beautiful, but critical.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Very recently, I drew attention to the matter of Saudi Arabia and its activities in Yemen - posts #37240 & 37188 refer. Today, I note that Craig Murray has been so moved by recent events there and in Istanbul that he has reprised the record of the vote which took place in parliament in 2016, when our parliamentarians had the opportunity to stop selling WMD to the Saudis.

Craig Murray, for those who don't know, is described in Wikipedia as follows:

Craig John Murray (born 17 October 1958)[1][2][3] is a British former diplomat turned political activist, human rights campaigner, blogger and whistleblower.

Murray had this to say last evening:


The voting details (and charts - 'Woosh' likes them) from Hansard can be found on this link:


Why do I mention this? I mention it because those pink tory MPs operating under a flag of convenience are not simply a danger to the real Labour Party but to the nation as a whole, not to mention world peace. We cannot have any change of political direction until there is a proper socialist alternative to the capitalist elite in the UK.

Murray is therefore right when he sums up that these 'Blairites', as he puts it, should be deselected. That, of course, is a matter for their constituency parties but most of those good people in all probability have no idea how their MP voted. Anyone who refers to these traitors to the Labour movement as centrists is simply regurgitating tory propaganda - remember the figures: 98 so-called Labour MPs abstained in the vote.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
It was 700,000 ten minutes ago.
Guardian says 700,000 quite clearly.

Also says 1200 for Farage.

Have to say, have been impressed by the huge number of slogans on the placards. Some very witty, inspired, clever - but by far the majority I have seen on photographs, done with feeling by those carrying.

The only Harrogate photo I have seen had everyone carrying the same standard issue "'ere, carry this" ones.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
What happened was a bunch of patronising know-alls began a determined 'we know best' campaign to reverse the result.
As good a description anyone has given of What the Leave campaign did after the first Referendum
Well done for that.
And perhaps you can explain why you are afraid of a referendum on the results of these negotiations with the EU?
After all according to people like you,you will win handsomely won't you?
So what is your problem with that.

Allow me to suggest, you know damn well you will lose, don't you?
Otherwise you should be welcoming the idea with open arms as proof that the virtue of Brexit has convinced the remainers and unity restored in the country.
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