

Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
I've been reading yet another news item about the Segway in America. Sorry I've lost the URL which I meant to post. Blame the clipboard. I've never liked the idea of this contraption although a lot of knowledgeable people do seem to have liked it. Has anyone here ridden one - or even seen one? The balancing mechanism must surely be a potent consumer of the battery's energy. As for how they get up kerbs - I've never understood it.


I saw loads in Hawaii on my honeymoon in 2003. They hire them out to tourists so they can get around. They have to use drop kerbs to cross roads. Seemed to be popular with the Japanese who form a large %age of tourists. seemed to be quie stable but I have no idea about the range.



Oct 25, 2006
Apparently the range isn't very good, and of course running out is a disaster, there's no way back except by taxi.

Just about the most worthless travel invention ever, really no more than a big kid's toy.

The Segway's best contribution to mankind was a wonderful illustration of George Bush's intelligence. He got on it without switching on and it promptly fell over leaving him on the deck. :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
Apparently the range isn't very good, and of course running out is a disaster, there's no way back except by taxi.

Just about the most worthless travel invention ever, really no more than a big kid's toy.

The Segway's best contribution to mankind was a wonderful illustration of George Bush's intelligence. He got on it without switching on and it promptly fell over leaving him on the deck. :D
I had a suspicion that was so although with nothing but instinct to go by! Well there are plenty of Americans who love toys and I don't mean that to sound in any way derogatory. Nothing wrong with toys at all - as long as they are described as such.

I love the Bush story! :p But I can't gloat as I wouldn't dare to hold the thing myself, never mind get on it!!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
$4995 does seem a little high

in actual fact it isnt too high in price, "i just cant afford it" i cant afford 30-£50k for many of the cars on the road, doesnt mean they are not worth it really though...i try only to knock something if i can afford it then i know my comments are true to me:)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 23, 2007
Has anyone here ridden one - or even seen one? .
I met the sales guy for Segway at the Vegas Bike show in Sept 06. He was kind enough to let me have a go on one and I must say that after the initial shakey minute or so, they become very easy to use. 15mph on a bike does not seem that fast, but on a Segway it can be quite scary when standing upright!

The following day I saw about 4-5 guys riding around my hotel car park on them!


Oct 25, 2006
just read about them, $4995 does seem a little
in actual fact it isnt too high in price, "i just cant afford it" i cant afford 30-£50k for many of the cars on the road, doesnt mean they are not worth it really though...i try only to knock something if i can afford it then i know my comments are true to me:)
That's one heck of an argument you're having with yourself Keith. :D

Let us know who wins.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
$4995 does seem a little high

in actual fact it isnt too high in price, "i just cant afford it" i cant afford 30-£50k for many of the cars on the road, doesnt mean they are not worth it really though...i try only to knock something if i can afford it then i know my comments are true to me:)
Despite having just bought an Agattu I kid myself that I can't afford anything - and that gives me freedom to knock everything under your proposed system! I agree with you!! I think!! Therefore I am - aren't I?? Maybe. :confused:
Last edited:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Despite having just bought an Agattu I kid myself that I can't afford anything - and that gives me freedom to knock everything under your proposed system! I agree with you!! I think!! Therefore I am - aren't I?? Maybe. :confused:

That's one heck of an argument you're having with yourself Keith.

Let us know who wins.(flecc)
well after much discussion "we" have come to the conclusion that at the end of the day.......................................its night............

i think its a mouth activation befor brain has time to anylise(or spell correctly) ......while i often say "that too expensive"....maybe im just too embarressed to say "its more then i can afford"......maybe if i win the lottery i will then say "thats a very expensive item, i will take 3 please":) ..hope this clarify's things for now :p


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Kieth that is as clear as mud !!!!
and a pleasure to read after some of the recent postings on this forum.

maybe the mud that made your vision unclear is why you copied my name incorrectly.....let me spell it again...keith:rolleyes:


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 2, 2008
6300 Zug, Switzerland
I have one, and they're lots of fun to ride. Almost anyone who can remember to turn it on (i.e., anyone brighter than GWB) can be riding confortably in a few seconds, and feel like an expert after an hour. Whether they're practical or not depends on where you live and where you need to go.

Apart from both appealing to some kinds of gadget freaks (like me), Segways and electric bicycles don't have all that much in common, and some of the least trenchant criticism of the Segway comes from folks who expect them to ride like bicycles. Being on a Segway feels much more like being a pedestrian than it does being on a bike. It's great for shorter distances and (where it's legal) riding on sidewalks.

They were recently legalized in Switzerland, where I live, but this was accomplished by deciding to put them under the same regulatory regime as non-pedelec motorized bicycles, which I think is a very poor choice. Thus, you need a special license for them, some special equipment, and you need to stick to streets. Now that I'm actually violating the law (rather than just testing one of its gaps) by riding my Segway sensibly, I ride it very little.

