Unexplained wires and odd battery readings


Just Joined
Sep 8, 2012
Hi All,

I'm the proud owner of a new Wisper 905SE and have a couple of questions that I hope someone can me help with.

Firstly I've noticed three wires which terminate with connectors that are hanging out of the bottom of the controller area at the base of the frame. Should they be just hanging there and what is their purpose?

Secondly, about two or three miles into my first ride I noticed that the battery display on the handlebars was down to two segments even though the display on the battery itself had all segments illuminated. At home, a couple of hours later, the handlebar display was back to showing that the battery had 100% charge. Is this normal behaviour?


Deleted member 4366

That behaviour of your LEDs is normal. It's called "voltage sag", which happens when you draw high current from your battery. Don't know about the wires. Single ones are normally speed restriction.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Thanks D8veh!

Hi Chautara, firstly thanks so much for investing in a Wisper, I wish you many years of happy Wispering!

The wires that you can see should have been pushed up into the controller area when your bike was PDId by your supplier, they are nothing to worry about.

If you have difficulties getting them back into the controller box, let me know and I will send further instructions.

May I ask who you bought the bike through?

Best regards



Just Joined
Sep 8, 2012
Thanks David and D8veh for the info. The cables will be stuffed back into controller area! I assume that they are used for diagnostics?

With regard to the LED display what I don't understand is this. Even tonight after a short ride the display dropped down to two illuminated LEDs after only a few hundred metres. On return home after a couple of minutes and the power switched on again, I had a full display and then with the back wheel lifted off the ground and a quick twist of the throttle I was back to two LEDs.

What is the point of the LED display if it does not reflect the actual remaining capacity of the battery 90% of the time?

David - in answer to your final question the bike was purchased from PowaRider.

Deleted member 4366

The green LED shouldn't go out with the wheel off the ground. Generally, they're a guide to what's happening with voltage. A fully charged batery has about 42v but soon reduces to about 40v as soon as you start using it, and when it's empty (not actually) it has about 31V, so one would expect the first LED to go out at about 37v, the next at 35v and the last at about 33v. Different batteries behave differently, and the LEDs vary from bike to bike, so it's not an exact science. They're only a guide, and you soon get to recognise what's normal behaviour for yours so that you'll get an idea of when your battery''s likely to go flat.

New batteries sometimes take a few charges to get to full power, so don't be too quick to judge, but it's not normal for a battery in good condition to sag so much that the first LED goes out with the wheel off the ground after a very short ride. It can be an idication that you're drawing several amps from the battery, when normal would be less than one amp with the wheel off the ground.

So first use the bike for a bit and it'll probably revert to more normal behaviou as the battery sorts itself out, but if it doesn't go away and/or you find that you can't go as far as you should, then you need to get it checked out. If it worries you, put your hand on your motor and controller compartment from time to time. Cold or warm is normal , but hot isn't.
