Wisper Bikes
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  • Just curious about my Wisper 905 Torque purchased Oct 2016. Unlike the photos on road test I read before I purchased my bike on what was presumably an older model 905Torque, mine has no visible wires or housing coming out of the bottom bracket for the Torque sensor. How does my bike sense the pressure on the pedals as described in the handbook? Everything is working fine, I just am curious by nature!
    I don't like the styling of the new 905 torque. Does this change of battery design and position mean that previous models will have their batteries phased out? I am worried around this as many components for 2011 -2012 models are now obsolete.
    Whisper 905 Classic - chain on the free go is wrong supplier said it to contact free go and find out what is the right chain to be using?
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