Search results for query: Lifepo

  1. N

    LifePo4 ebike full build

    I didn't realise the significance of the LiFePO4 battery but they still had stock when I inquired a couple of years ago. The Kudos Safari looks a bargain at £695.
  2. flecc

    LifePo4 ebike full build

    ...Rally Design, had a brave try when he set up pedelec company Kudos Cycles in the 2000s, equipping a selection of his pedelec range with LiFePO4 batteries, giving consumers the choice in affordable pedelecs. But the consumer market didn't support his efforts so Kudos Cycles eventually died...
  3. cyclebuddy

    Selling and Buying Second-hand e-bikes

    LiFePO4 is certainly making a storming inroad as THE battery chemistry of choice for leisure batteries now. A little heavier than Li-Ion they may be, but they're significantly lighter than the conventional alternative of Lead Acid, give a much greater usable capacity in a like-for-like package...
  4. flecc

    Selling and Buying Second-hand e-bikes

    LiFePO4 is not an older technology, it is much newer than Li-ion. The latter came first with cobalt cathodes, later with manganese cathodes and finally with complex compound cathodes. During this time it had always been known that iron was theoretically the best cathode material but how to use...
  5. Charliefox

    Selling and Buying Second-hand e-bikes

    Moving on to 2023 and I see Ford is setting up a (chinese) factory to make LiPO car batteries. They are a lot cheaper than the ones with cobalt, less fire risk, but shorter range (as in Ebike form). Most Chinese EVs are using them to keep costs down. Tesla is using them on their 'cheaper' models...
  6. J

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Agree, but how many sods would ever spent inflation adjusted 30k to 50k on ordinary car? Or 60k to 90k on a tesla? It was always porsche money, not by any measure normal. Car companies were trying to make it new normal pre-truss in low interest rate environment. With high electricity cost it...
  7. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    ...these solutions will only be for the moneyed, like the Porsche fuel for ics mentioned further down. Mostly pie in the sky anyway, we've had LiFePO4 for many years and it's only better in environmental terms in some applications. IC will go, even for hydrogen, like the railways everything...
  8. W

    Solar battery charging for ebikes. effectively over. If you use a LA battery, it is quite forgiving in terms of balancing between the cells. Commercial 12.8 V nominal LiFePO4 batteries contain a BMS to organise the balancing. If you build your own from cells, you will need to add a BMS. You may also want to consider a 24V...
  9. Benjahmin

    Solar battery charging for ebikes.

    ...questions. So in order to avoid the inefficiencies on an inverter the bike battery has to be charged either direct from the solar panel or a lifePo or L.A. leisure battery. So we need to get 42v or 41.7v from 12v. The e-bay mppt linked to earlier has voltage increments of 12v. I assume...
  10. V

    Battery Care Tips?

    You've been reading the wrong stuff. That's how to manage lithium cells, not how to look after an ebike battery. Your battery is managed by a BMS. You can hope what you like. It won't change anything. We gave you good advice. Do something different if you want, then come back and tell us how...
  11. C

    Battery Care Tips?

  12. Andy1865

    Battery packs

    Any chance of sending me a link to what you mean please and do you make battery packs for other people??
  13. W

    Battery packs

    ...packs. They are usually in the 10Ah region I think and not too expensive these days. I am in the process of putting together some scrap LiFePO cells together to make a 12V pack for my main bike. I have a really good bright front LED lamp I'd like to use, but it is 12V max and won't run from...
  14. A

    Schottky Diode Parallel Pack Adaptor

    Great write up and pics. Did this some years ago joining a LiFePO to a LiPO pack. and has worked for me. But can't recall how on earth I did it so thanks for the heads up!
  15. joelectric

    Battery charging, how often

    He is arrogant, however he genuinely cares for the environment and his suborn 'can do' attitude is driving forward the technology in cars , space travel and above all artificial intelligence. He will go down in history along with the likes of Einstein, watt, bell etc The man is an unlikable genius.
  16. John F

    Battery charging, how often

    I'm curious to know how the Boeing &87 Dreamliner battery fire issue fits into this debate. What kind of cells did they use (Leaf or Tesla type or some other kind?) From memory all they did after extensive research into the problem was to just put the battery in a box!
  17. W

    Battery charging, how often

    ...Building Control if you want to install one and building regs will be updated etc. Maybe this has been done already? But I am sceptical, knowing how these thing are usually so far behind technological development. I hope LiFePO cells can solve this problem and they get adopted on a large scale.
  18. W

    Battery charging, how often

    ...problem and one people seem to be ignoring. Also, people want to have power walls in houses tied to the grid... Maybe the UK do the same as the US fire department recommend tackling an EV fire: You ought to ask them. LiFePO batteries are supposed to be a lot safer. I wonder how safe...
  19. Charliefox

    E-biking's 20th Anniversary

    Ooh! Does that make my Euro 21 Powerbike bought in 2000 and still going strong, if not fast, a sort of Veteran or Classic Ebike?
  20. D

    E-biking's 20th Anniversary

    Thanks Flecc, that's really interesting. I hope you're planning to continue with your history of ebikes and cover the last 2 decades.