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  1. R

    Alien GS 2

    Battery range Weather's been a bit against me for a few days but this morning was perfect,- crisp air, no frost, and sunny. So off I set to see how far the battery (or myself !) would last over varying terrain but with me pedalling all of the time ( apart from an occasional treat of a freewheel...
  2. R

    Pleeeeease give me some advice.

    Hello Blackpanther You will see from my posts I joined the ebike fraternity last week by purchasing an Alien GS2. I too am a lifelong motorcyclist and currently run a Thunderbird and an SV 1000 S, I am also 13 stone in weight! I have just done a 20 mile run this afternoon and the green full...
  3. R

    Alien GS 2

    Thanks for that NRG, electronics isn't really my thing ! Thought I read somewhere I needed to, must have dreamt it:D
  4. R

    Alien GS 2

    Alien GS2 first proper run Hello again folks, just in from the first proper daylight run on the steed! Perfect timing as I waited until the frost cleared, enjoyed perfect winter sunshine the whole time and the instant I returned home the snow started, thats what I call organisation.., lol...
  5. R

    Alien GS 2

    Hopefully I have put this in the correct place , as I explained in my first post I am new to forums so just shout if I don't follow the protocol! Well the GS2 arrived this morning despite TNT's multiple attempts to avoid delivering it to me, what a fiasco, but nothing to do with Jim or Alien I...