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  1. H

    hello from the Isle Of Wight...

    Hello PennyFarthing, yes, I also am awaiting nicer weather. And then there were a few weeks while the rear wheel was being strengthened (rebuilt). Still feeling apprehensive about breaking spokes though which is off-putting It appears that for you pedelec-cycling alone really does effect...
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    Should it be legal....?

    Thank you Indalo for your thread. I am really enjoying reading every comment. What fun, thanks again!
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    Duke, a subjective review...

    Hello donnoirf, thanks for your kind words, experiences, modifications and views. What is your pedelec you now consider "a dream to ride"? What style of handlebar did you choose from Humpert? I wish the Duke branding came off as easily as yours. Initially I used a marker pen but that wiped...
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    More powerful and legal e-bikes on the way!!!

    A dream come true, for the cyclist - nightmare for others? My imagination is stirred. Thanks for the news flecc! How will the manufacturer and retailer view this; for example: might current units become redundant and who will bear the burden of change? It appears the consumer will...
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    Registering with

    The way I understand it, you can avoid Paypal charges by chosing the "Gift" option (in the "Send Money" window click on the "Personal" tab [before you "Continue"] to reveal 4 more payment options: "Gift" is the first/default). This is how I made my donation. Please note, if you use this...
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    How many ebikes are replacing cars?

    A former non-bicyclist, I added the pedelec as a means of transport. Wouldn't be without a car, but prefer to cycle locally and when it's dry. The novelty doesn't seem to wear off.
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    hello from the Isle Of Wight...

    Hello, yes I am still having fun with my bike, thanks. I agree about your Hobson's unusual shape. This split design must be easy on your frame movement. Certainly, my sprung saddle rocks sideways when pedalling. Do your thighs chafe at all on the rather wide nose, or...
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    Poll: Help choose the CycleCharge charging-point sticker

    Yeah! with a bike I imagine it'd be perfect. Nice.
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    Poll: Help choose the CycleCharge charging-point sticker

    Further to my previous posting here... I've just tried to create a similar design with a different symbol. Phew, that's hard. Well done (!) to whoever created the three badges. Anyway, here is my idea (please imagine a green background and such a polished finish as on the previous badges -...
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    Poll: Help choose the CycleCharge charging-point sticker

    Sigara Içilmez, Забрањено пушење, dim Ysmygu or What's easiest: Turkish, Serbian, Welsh or just a sign?
  11. H

    Are there any books about e-bikes?

    You're a genius flecc. I like your thinking of compiling a book with the input of several authors. Brilliant! :)
  12. H

    Are there any books about e-bikes?

    flecc has some very good online information (website). Specialised maybe, but really really good, and kept up to date. Hope you don't mind the link flecc. In fact, how about it... fancy compiling a book? I herewith promise to purchase a copy of your first edition. Come to think of it, that...
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    Squeaking Panasonic motor

    Hello "vaasa", sadly I'm a lesser engineer than most on this forum. However, your mentioning that the noise happens at so slow an interval has me thinking that maybe the chain is the squeaker?
  14. H

    what to wear in this weather for he ride back

    Here's another wisdom I picked up while awaiting my turn at my local doctors: Once recovered from a cold we are effectively immune from then on to that particular virus. Apparently our body's defenses will have learned the particular strain's characteristics, thus immediately know how to deal...
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    Motorists vs Cyclists

    Interesting link z0mb13e, thanks! It also led me to view the appropriately titled Beauty and the Bike video clip. I wish we could make ourselves into a better travelling public, but I also know that we just are what we are. Human. So: Keeping Motorists separate from Cyclists is THE simple...
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    Veteran bikes re-born as eBikes?

    There is of course the idea of creating a new item with traditional looks. An example are kit cars that replicate the looks of classic or vintage vehicles, but are in fact based upon new models. With those internals you might say the looks are just a façade. And you would be right. That is...
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    Stopped by police

    Beautiful scene flecc. What a strong girl she must be too. My only concern: rear tyre appears to need topping up.
  18. H

    VeloMini electric bike

    Interesting... However, are you sure there's "totty" (lack of feminine curves)? Looks like it folds down almost as small as a Brompton. I wonder where the battery is. Maybe it's carried in the backpack (first picture shows the electric version).
  19. H

    what to wear in this weather for he ride back

    According to the thread "clothing ideas for cycling..." it seems to me that Lycra garments (popularly by Altura) should answer your needs.