My Quando's Li-ion battery and the heat


Apr 12, 2008
New York, New York
We've been having a heat wave here in NYC. I was wondering how the hot weather will affect my battery.

Today, when I left work to ride home about 6pm, the temp was about 96F. It seemed like the battery was a little funky for the first time (I've been using the bike/battery and charging it daily for 10 weeks now). On a flat bike path, the battery seemed less responsive than usual and actually seemed to stop giving juice for a second or two, here and there.

Tomorrow, the heat is supposed to intensify and may hit 100F.

The good news is that I arrived at my destinations relatively dry, in fact, drier than folks who were wearily shuffling down the steaming pavement since I had the benefit of a battery-driven breeze. This is exactly why I bought the bike. Going down into the subway on days like these is even more discouraging and sweat-inducing. So I will be very pleased if I can continue to beat the heat this way.

My questions:

What is the impact of heat on a Li-ion battery? If there is adverse impact, what should I do to minimize it?

I love my Quando SOOO much. :)
