The collapse of insects


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
A disturbing portion of Springwatch last night told how our rivers are also being poisoned by the two chemicals commonly used in flea and tic treatments for cats and dogs.
They did a survey of insect population density upstream of a water treatment plant, then downstream (where these two chemicals were present and detected) the insect numbers were down by about 60% in the downstream sample.
I didn't know that these chemicals are neuro-toxins and are finding their way into our watercourses via the sewerage system, run off and dogs swimming etc.
The insect mortality figures quoted resulting from one drop was staggering.
As a dog lover Chris Packham was very disturbed but offered no existing alternative. I'm bothered that I'm subjecting my ginger moggy to these things about once a month.
I'm aware from my own garden of the visible decline in bees, hoverflys and butterflys etc over the last few years. We've planted more pollinator friendly plants alongside our organic veg this year. Hope it helps.
Meanwhile I can't find an alternative to stop my cat riffing his brains out !
