When things decide to go wrong.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
I would as I was an early start to give my new Haibike a good ride.

Every thing was going well and decided to ride would up the steep track through the wood, using the eco setting. It has a good grip the bike and I go to the top and am beginning to warm up. It had has started chilly and so I wearing wear my ski jacket; I think then was a mistake, I was starting to sweat but starting a decent so I hoped to walk to cool off.

A forestry pick-up driver said the path was blocked and I better go over the style and go down to the trail. That was a mistake, lifting the bike over the style, a bit higher than usual and the bike fell one side and I fell over the other. No damage to the bike except displacing the mudguards, so straiten then up and continue.

I am quite what happened next, I was continuing along and I think I entangled my jacket in the saddle, regardless I fell over, the bike stayed on the path but I could not, I was rolling downwards until I hit a bank-side towards the bottom. It was rather steep and a struggle for me to get back to the top, the bike is OK. Some little pain for me in the grautomaus maximas, my head if the soft ground so that seems OK.

In in the woods the sat-nav would not pick up a signal, I wanted to look on the Nyon web site but seems not to be working again.

I was fearful of riding down, so using the brakes and walking down the wheels would lock the wheels and skid down, My resolve is such I'm not going down again, it's a super bike designed to in these conditions but I am not anymore. No damage me or the bike (I think) apart being covered in leaf mould and a bit of mud.

Going back on the track at the bottom and young women whizzed past me, not having that so put the power up and kept pace until her until I noticed I had lost my Lobster gloves. A couple of miles back the track and found them and I decided to go home, I'd had enough. Just one thing and another. Just at the end of the forestry I get an optical migraine warning, any would have had one will know, the vision starts to disappear in an ever increasing hole, big things can disappear from view.

Only a couple of miles so soon home and get can get the pills and lie in a darkened room until it fades.

I haven't fell offer a bike for about fifteen years, and that was a Rakeway and managed a few times. Never off the Gary Fisher, the Birdy or the Delite. I hope this is not going to do a repeat, now I'm in my 70s I don't think it's a good idea.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2013
Head injury followed by headache .
Make sure your other half keeps an eye on you or go visit the hospital.
We don't want any bad news.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
WOW !!! Eventful ride , hope in 19 years I'll still be able fall off.
Agree with others do get checked out and better ride next time, how about stabalisers:rolleyes:.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2013
Your post is quite worrying. As others have said, please seek medical advice. All the best with it.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
How nice for the concern, thank you all.

I woke this morning feeling fine, I might change my mind when I get the bike out, but as they say "If you can't stand a laugh, you shouldn't have joined".


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
On the plus side, things can only get better, and they will. :)

At least the bike was okay, and that's the main thing. ;)

I did have similar thoughts to your own last Saturday when the front end dropped into a grass covered hole, and I went straight over the handlebars.
At a mere 49 years old, I sat there thinking, "I'm too old for this falling off lark"
I also recall thinking that I must learn to let go of the handlebars when launching!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Just got back from yet another night ride using the KTM Ultra 1964 pedal bike https://www.strava.com/activities/266718842 and guess what, I ended up falling off yet again, this time into the deepest and wettest mud possible.
Of course the lad that was with me couldn't stop laughing, but I'll have my day and revenge.
My rucksack got caught on a low branch and sent me off. Tonight was also the first ride of the year that I opted to wear shorts as well. Typical!
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