Storing an electric Bike?


May 19, 2014
I have been storing my bike in my music studio but it is becoming a problem. The other options are a wooden shed or to buy some kind of bike storage ( preferably one that isn't the same cost as the bike). My concern is the batteries, the shed heats up in the summer and is cold in the winter. Any advice on how to store the bike? I have limited mobility so it needs to be an easy in out option.


Oct 25, 2006
The most important thing with batteries, especially most lithium ones, is not to leave them neglected for long periods. Give the battery a top-up charge at least every two months and never leave without a charge for more than three months. If you neglect the battery you might find it completely useless when trying to revive the bike.

You might get some advice to have the battery at 40% charge or so during storage, but that only applies when storing at very low temperatures close to zero degrees C. Don't worry too much about your shed temperatures, they will be well within the normal operating range of your battery.
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