BEBA proposals to the EU Commision


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Searching through this forum I found a well constructed letter from BEBA to the EU Commision,if David will allow me to precis this letter I think it basically has 2 proposals-
1) To abandon the 250 watt motor limit but retain the 25kph speed restriction.
2) To allow use of a throttle without pedalling.

I can agree with point 2-this would assist in allowing disabled persons to ride a bike when they cannot input any practical effort into the pedals. It would also allow a confident pull away at road junctions and especially roundabouts.
However point 1- I cannot agree with. Remember these bikes can be ridden by 14 year old teenagers, they are usually so electronic savvy that it would not be long before they have disabled the 25 kph restrictor.
Also this limit is a challenge to us all to use the power to it's optimum,it has developed these bikes to a performance which efficiently meets the requirements of the majority of e-bike riders. I am exhibiting at a fitness show on Whitstable harbour quay,July 8/9, I had to spend some time with the organisers to explain how e-bikes were fitness promoting,explaining the PAS system,if we had unlimited power such explanations would be nullified.
Dave Elderfield