Cytronex Canondale Quick 2010


Just Joined
Apr 27, 2010
Reviewer:Cytronex Canondale Quick

Purchased From:Cytronex

Purchase Price:£1400

Time Owned:4 weeks

Local Terrain: / Moderate Hills /

Strengths: Here goes : What a great purchase. 1st electric bike my daily commute is 22 mile return. This bike handles the journey excellent you need to be cycling all the time for the battery to engage,because it has full power to the wheel when switched on this means you want to peddle faster to keep up with the speed of 15.5mph, so journey times are cut. Battery lasts well over the 20 mile range. I know this will fall as it ages, if you want a bike to work out with this is the system you need. I use it as a normal bike into work then under power after my shift. It has a great light system built in, which uses the battery. Battery charges in about 1 hour. Battery easily removed as it sits in your water bottle holder and only £200 for a replacement at the minute.

Weaknesses: All bikes will have some, changed saddle and tyres but thats personal choice. Only main thing is theres no battery indicator, but nothing else apart from that.

Summary:A cyclists bike this will get you fit. Buy 1 if your already fit on the bike, otherwise you will find it tough going until you build your fitness up.This bike wants to be ridden at 15.5mph all the time you have power on!!!


Overall Rating (out of 10) :