DIY Throttle


Oct 15, 2011
I see that 50cycles is selling an aftermarket throttle kit for their Kalkhoffs

Since I'm the least handy man I know, does anyone have any experience with this?
How easy is it to fit? Any obvious problems etc

I know that 50c would fit it for me but I don't fancy the cost of the postage, being without my bike for god knows how long, and so on.

Actually, Scott or Matt? If you're on. Tell me how this works would you please?


Oct 25, 2006
It's only a "Walk Alongside" throttle, operating to 4 mph on the legal range of Panasonic unit bikes. It's intended to help if you have to walk up a hill that's too steep to ride up, but since the torque sensor isn't in use when using it, in practice it operates at minimum power which many find inadequate even for that purpose. The 4 mph/6 kph (UK, EU) corresponds to the pedestrian controlled e-vehicle legislation, and independent fully acting throttles are not allowed on e-bikes in Europe.

An anomaly is that if the throttle is fitted to the "e-bike illegal" high speed versions of the Panasonic system bikes, it operates to 12 mph.

It works by bypassing the pedelec sensing of rotation and was originally conceived by BikeTec of Switzerland, later adopted as an option by Panasonic.
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Just Joined
Jun 24, 2012
Hi Morgann

regarding throttle kit for their Kalkhoffs, I have just got one for my Kalkhoff agatu, it said on web site diy fitting but when it arrived there is no instructions with it,I e-mailed them and was told Kalkhoff don't supply it with the kit and when he gets some time he'll wright me one.
well in the meantime I thought I'll have a go and see if I can find how myself and actually managed to do it.
I also managed to route the cable thou the frame.

This is how i did it

1/take off chain guard on right, so you can access screw for left side guard,the screw is located by the battery slot and to the left

2/take off left side plastic cover.once you unscrew from the right the cover slides forward to the front wheel.

3/there you will find the cable terminals covered in a protective plastic sheaf that has been inserted in the frame

4/carefully extract wires with white terminals on them./there is only one white terminals that the three cable pins on the end of the throttle cable will fit black/red/white

5/to route cable though frame
I used a roll of solder wire because its fixable and threaded though frame till it came out at the front fork end,then taped the cable of the throttle and pulled gently thou frame

6/connected the tree pins into the white terminal screwed the earth wire to the existing earth wire that is there,put all wires into the plastic cover and then reinsert all back into the frame.

7/put right side cover back on/chain guard back on/fix switch to handlebars

Job done!
Time 30 min's
the only difficult bit is routing though the frame.



Oct 15, 2011
B*gger! Another good idea falls by the wayside. Thanks Flecc for saving me £60 quid and thank you bluestar for taking the time and trouble to guide me through the process.

Looks like it's back to the 'Selling the PC and buying an Aurora' plan.