Locks and security


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 18, 2006

By fatmog
I could wait for the bike to arrive... but where's the fun in that? If I had the lock ready and waiting I could be fitting it while I was waiting for the battery to charge....

(Yeah, I'm not too good on delayed gratification!)

Well done fatmog yea waiting is the worst part but it will be worth it:D you got a very good bike:) i am not sure about the axa lock for the sprint i think the battery might be in the way but i am sure flecc will know i said before that maybe ezee need to design something like the axa for all there bikes.NIGEL


Oct 25, 2006
Yes, the AXA won't fit on the eZee bikes Nigel, because the carrier mounting lugs and battery mounting get in the way. This difference from ordinary bikes is in part because the rear frame accomodates the battery going through it.

On the Giant Twist, the battery sits under the frame tube as you know, so there's plenty of room for normal carrier mounts and the wheel lock.


Mar 27, 2007
Thanks guys, better move onto plan B.

For anyone who is interested, you can get the lock + cable combo from a dutch supplier on ebay, think it works out about £20 delivered to uk. Obviously I can't vouch for the supplier since I didn't actually buy it, my finger was trembling over the 'buy it now' button before your advice restrained me!


Mar 27, 2007
ummm - it's me again. :eek: It's more or less the same question as last time, but I found this

AXA-BASTA Click 2 PLUS : £32.00 : ACCESSORIES : Locks - Shackle Locks - Bicycle Workshop. Londons bike repair specialist

on my googling travels. (hope the link works - not tried this before)

It's the axa click 2 lock. Kind of a very no-frills version of the SL7. Do you think it might fit the sprint? Apparently it doesn't have the plate bit at the top, that's for the continentals! So I don't have a clue how it fits but I suppose it has some sort of hook thingies like the SL7?

Sorry to be a pest but I just really like the simplicity and convenience of the basic concept - I am SO much more likely to use a lock even for those just-popping-into-the-shop-for-a-choccie-bar :) moments if it's always on the bike.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 18, 2006

By fatmog
Sorry to be a pest but I just really like the simplicity and convenience of the basic concept - I am SO much more likely to use a lock even for those just-popping-into-the-shop-for-a-choccie-bar moments if it's always on the bike

Hi fatmog good find that might do the trick:D but lets wait untill flecc takes a look. NIGEL.

Flying Kiwi

Dec 25, 2006
Cost cutting

I just really like the simplicity and convenience of the basic concept - I am SO much more likely to use a lock even for those just-popping-into-the-shop-for-a-choccie-bar :) moments if it's always on the bike.
I know what you mean FatMog, I use the built in lock on my Twist very often (in fact whenever it's parked) including the situations you described. My favourite was when I parked it outside McDonalds one day and watched it through the window as a dodgy looking character was checking it out (very carefully). I think he thought Christmas had come early until he realised he'd have to carry it away if he wanted to steal it. Why any manufacturer wouldn't include such an inexpensive bit of kit on any bike of value (assuming it's considered valuable that is) baffles me. It strikes me as cheapskateish (although I suppose they have a chance to sell you another if yours gets nicked) :(

I hope you figure out a way to mount such a lock, they're very handy!
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Oct 25, 2006
That site makes more sense Fatmog, the text on the English site made absolutely no sense at all.

It looks as though it will fit on the eZee bikes, properly bolted and without the plastic clip, but to do so it will have to be mounted on the underside of the crossmounting and upper A frame tubes.

If that's inconvenient, though I don't see why it should be, it should fit above using the plastic clip.


Mar 27, 2007
Thanks Flecc, think I'll give it a punt, and try and convince myself it has a certain agricultural chic! :D

I'll let you all know if it's goer.

Mike Robinson

Feb 28, 2007

If it does fit could you send in some photos and give us a quick review. I I'd love to put one of those SL7 style locks on my ezee.

I believe Axa have a replacement planned for the SL7 called the defender but it looked like it had the same fitting problems as the old one. Having the cable attachment looks very worthwhile.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
Hi FatMog

Here's a photo of the rear triangle area of my sprint, the gap below the seat stays between the mudguard and battery is about 2" wide 1.25" high. No room above seat stays due to rack lugs and mudguard fixing.
Hope it helps
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Mar 27, 2007
Thanks Ian, that's very helpful, looks like I should be able to squeeze sone sort of fitting for the click-lock below the carrier attachment.

It would be really handy if there was a gallery of bike shots on the forum, cos as I said earlier, decent pictures of the sprint (and presumably other bikes too) are non-existent. And I need something to moon over until my bike arrives! I dunno, sort of "reader's rides"? :D

Mike Robinson

Feb 28, 2007
Another lock on that site that FatMog went to, the Axa-Basta click lock, looks dead easy to fix to the ezee bikes (mine's a Liv). You could also mount it to the main frame I believe.

AXA-BASTA Click 2 ATB : £16.00 : ACCESSORIES : Locks - Shackle Locks - Bicycle Workshop. Londons bike repair specialist

The original lock given seemed to require more clearance near the top where as this one needs none. I'm not sure how good it is as security though but the related SL7/Defender appears very good. Obviously you'd want something else to lock it to something and the cable in this case doesn't mount to the same device as in the SL7 which is a shame.



Mar 27, 2007
Hi Mike, that's the one I ordered in the end cos further inspection seemed to suggest that the cable bit was a seperate item and wasn't integrated like on the SL7. Thought I might as well just use a lassoo cable.

In fact, I have it the lock sitting in front of me, it arrived this morning! Now all I need is a bike to attach it to...


Mar 27, 2007
Frame lock a bit problematical for a sprint!


well, I have my bike (lovely!) and I have fitted the frame lock but - it's not ideal.

I had to undo the mudguard to squeeze the lock through the frame on the inside of the triangle-thing bit, above the chainguard. It does fit through (just) but you can't get the key into the lock because the chainguard blocks it completely.

So - I removed it from there and have mounted it to the outside of the seat stay, where it sits quite happily and does the job. Obviously it's not as secure here since it isn't mounted within the frame, but it does prevent opportunistic thieves from jumping on and pedalling off under your nose when you're in a caff or newsagents or whatever. As an adjunct to proper security it seems useful for low risk areas.
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