The world may end on Saturday!.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 25, 2008
South West
Yes, that was Edward Teller, Bob. He was one of the giants of science in the last century. In fact his prediction that the earth's entire atmosphere would set on fire as a result, if an atomic test went ahead, brought the work at Los Alamos to a halt while other scientists considered the ramifications of Teller's prediction. However it was Teller himself who upon rechecking his calculations, owned up to making a mathematical error and announced the risk was now small to insignificant, and work quickly resumed.

"How will we know if we are propelled into a parallel universe?"

- Ah, well as it turned out, the earth's atmosphere did ignite and all living things were vapourised. You're living in a parallel universe right now Bob.
And this forum of pixels is the actual real world.

As you can't see my face, I think at this juncture it would be prudent to throw in a couple of these = :D :D :D

And here's a Dr Bostrom, of Oxford University, who more or less believes that's entirely possible:

I see it's well past midnight so at this bewitching hour let me close by throwing this in:

"If I can predict all of your actions, under given circumstances, then you may not be as free as you think you are. You are an automaton responding to environmental stimuli. You are a slave of destiny. And the illusion of free will could be reduced to an equation that describes the result of interactions among molecules. It would be like studying the mechanics of a clock; a genius with extensive knowledge of the initial conditions and the casual chains would be able to extend his knowledge to the future of your actions".

- So, you may have a destiny Bob - drawn up for you by someone else - to their plan.

Time for bed.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
Do we know what time the world will end today, only I need to know if I have time to nip to the shops?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 25, 2008
South West
I was working in Cardiff today, (short hop from Bristol), and was passed the local daily paper during a teabreak, which had a celebratory piece on the Large Hadron Collider - due to the guy in charge a 63 year old Dr. Lyn Evans, being none other than a local boy made good, (good heavens it's Evans from Aberdare!)

What I found interesting apart from the 'our-local-Welsh boy-gets-to-destroy-the-universe', type praise (his mam will be so proud) , was the reference to the naysayers. Apparently two Americans have actually filed a lawsuit against him claiming his machine is so powerful that not only will it create a black hole sucking in the earth, but as mentioned by others previously, the universe too.

Read another paper that said the lawsuit had failed. Hmmm interesting the reasons you can choose to use for suing someone these days.

Anyway, a lot of banter started up with one and all, (mainly at my expense about their Welsh boy making sure England gets sucked up first), but I think I had the better of them once they started on mini-black holes. I said it was a well known fact that the centrifugal force of your spin-cycle washing machine can produce a noticeable mini black hole in the right atmospheric conditions.

Gerr off!
- No seriously, I can prove it.
Well you know when you've done a laundry on the fast spin cycle?
Ever noticed odd socks go missing, never, ever, to be found again?
- Mini black holes!
Ever noticed that once in the house and you put your keys down they disappear and move elsewhere on their own?
- Mini black holes! On a non-laundry day - no missing socks, and those just so happen to be, the days you can always find your keys too.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 25, 2008
South West
Ever had a dream of waking up totally starkers in the middle of the High Street? Well, work starts tomorrow morning on kick-starting the Hadron Collider. Hope I'm up in time and dressed, you know - just in case we get sucked through a black hole into a parallel universe.

Here's a quote from one of the news agencies: "Some critics say the experiment will create "black holes" of intense gravity that could implode the Earth, or that it will open the way for beings from another universe to invade through a "worm hole" in space-time.

'Beings from another universe' invading? Be just my luck to sleep in, only to awaken and find myself being herded into line by some belligerent Daleks, quipping in Dalek speak: "Looks-like-we've-got-another-bare-ar$ed-one-here-boss".
Last edited:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 20, 2007
well guys and gals,25 mins after the button was pressed and it looks like it has all gone wrong and the world will end.Gazing out the window is the sun with clear blue sky..i have never witnessed this before (for the last 2 summers) was nice knowing you..........:D

Blew it

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2008
Swindon, Wiltshire
Nuclear dreams

Talking about band wagons, fair enough, the Prof from Bristol has been involved "hands on" since the very start of the project. Yesterday in the local rag, the Science and Technology Facilities Council based at the North Star college in Swindon also claimed to be involved. I can't find any reference to them in the partners list. Apparently they were responsible for sourcing the funding from various science foundations I fail to see what's scientific about collecting beans!.

Now, about these dreams.

1) Waking up in your bed in the middle of the street. Yep, had that one.

2) Trying to run away from some threat, but it feels like your running through treacle. (Wake up with panic attack)

3) I don't have this one anymore. The entrance to my house in the dream, is through two staggered doors, each time I pass through, they get closer together until I get stuck. ( Wake up feeling very claustrophobic).

Right! I've got a weather slot, off out on the Wisper 905 GTS to try to complete the range tests. If you don't hear from me again........




Jun 28, 2008
This from the BBC sport page about the England match.
"1-0 England, Terry header. Then Walcott gets lost in a black hole before Rooney finds Higgs Boson and invites it for tea."


Aug 4, 2008
17 mile underground cycle track

I have watched this with some interest and not a small amount of hilarity at the ignorance of some of the 'Have you say' posters on the BBC website. One image that has grabbed me is of people using bikes to get around the collider.

I wonder if my Izips lead acid battery would have the range to get me round without peddling?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 30, 2007
Suva, Fiji
Our flat is within CERN's LHC ring - if you see what I mean - the ring passes about 200m to the South and a few km to the North. If I do see a black hole I will be sure to post a warning on pedelecs so that you can all have a few minutes to do what you like before being swallowed up. :)


Oct 25, 2006
Our flat is within CERN's LHC ring - if you see what I mean - the ring passes about 200m to the South and a few km to the North. If I do see a black hole I will be sure to post a warning on pedelecs so that you can all have a few minutes to do what you like before being swallowed up. :)
That could be lucky. The huge tunnel with all the collider junk stripped out will make a great anti-radiation nuclear bunker if it all kicks off again, and when the danger has passed you'll be able to grow mushrooms and rhubarb down there. :)


Sep 13, 2009
Herts & Spain
I read this eagerly on the BBC website this morning. It was only on a second, slower reading that I realised it didn't actually say BOSOM.......I felt such a tit!



Sep 7, 2007
On Saturday, The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva will be switched on for the first time.

Nostradamus quatrain 9 44:

"Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you,
Saturn will be converted from gold to iron,
"Raypoz" will exterminate all who oppose him,
Before the coming the sky will show signs".

".......the architects of what is being termed a “Doomsday” machine, the U.S. Department of Energy, Fermilab, the National Science Foundation and CERN are being sued in federal court over fears that this experiment may in fact destroy the planet".

And if that doesn't do it, try this:

" sept 08 the lucifer project kicks in where nasa hope to turn saturn in to a star by by crashing a probe into it and they want to try and start a nuclear reaction on that planet, the effects of this on earth are unknown....."

Bye Bye!!

On the subject of big bangs, I'm sitting here waiting for that big orange "Dynamite" truck to arrive with my new Wisper.....hope I get a chance to ride it before we get vaporized.


Wow holy Neutrinos . !
