eBike Day 2


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 5, 2016
Hi all, having been on the forum for a few months, mostly silently picking everyone's brains, I finally picked up my bike yesterday.

I'm 58 in January, 150Kg ish, type2 diet controlled diabetic, possibly dodgy ticker, all the usual stuff after 32 years of working shifts etc. Historically, I've cycled a lot, mostly commuting and did about 24,000miles on and off over those years. It is about 8 years since I regularly cycled. I was made redundant 4 years ago and that coincided with my wife's terminal cancer diagnosis so I became her full time carer as redundancy morphed into early retirement. After she passed away 2 years ago I also became a full time ish childminder to my grandaughter for her shift working mum. I've now got rather more time to myself since she started school.

Anyway, a few months ago I was idly passing time in Halfords looking at random gadgets when I spyed the Carerra crossfire and thought "that's interesting" and googled it when I got home, which eventually brought me here, lol!

Initially, I was keen on the crossfire, and almost bought it when the price dropped to £799 for a while, but after a few visits to other shops I was increasingly convinced a Cube with a Bosch was the way to go, but the price was a tad steep. I was also torn between a sensible hybrid or something a bit more MTBish as there's a lot of interesting tracks and stuff round here. Then as the 2017 models were announced the discounts on the 2016 stock were very attractive, but I was still humming and hawing. By now the bike I'd tested a couple of times and really liked was the moustache samedi 27/9 off5 from the nice folk at the Electric Cycle Co in Edinburgh but it was well outside my price range......

...... but a discount on their 2016 demo combined with a unexpected cheque from Barclays for some PPI I never knew I'd had brought it's price within spitting distance of the basic 2017 Bosch machines now arriving. So the deed was done. I picked it up yesterday and cycled it home.


I never told anyone what I was doing as I feared I'd never make it and have to complete the trip by train, but it was great, and I really enjoyed myself.

First photo stop at Cramond Brig.

2nd photo stop on the FRB.
And finally back to the Bay, 16 miles later.

Anyway, today I did another 8 miles, as I continue to get to know my new friend.

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And finally home with some real mud on the bike. I haven't stopped smiling to myself for 2 days! The only real question being why didn't I do this at the start of the summer rather than the start of the winter, lol!....

Maybe I'll add a few more posts to this thread if anyone's interested.

Hope you enjoy the bike pics,

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2013
Nice bike and initial write up. And I have to agree summer would have been better.
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Nov 1, 2016
Good write up.
Like you, I wish I had done this earlier in the year, but some winter days are beautiful and good for cycling.
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Jul 28, 2015
I enjoyed the write up and being reminded of the joy (yes...joy!) of rediscovering cycling all over again, courtesy of an electric bike. I'm sure you will have come across these things already (and I'm sure others will have their own views on the best additions to your cycling experience) but I would heartily recommend www.routeyou.com for route planning (and using other people's routes) and a Mio Cyclo cycling SatNav for getting around (although I know others will swear that a smartphone can do the same job, more cheaply) - and, no, I'm not on commission!.

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Nov 1, 2016
Thank you, most helpful.
I am still coming to terms with the bike.
I have a Dawes Wildcat MTB which I bought new in 1983,and also an old Raleigh sit up bike with rod brakes, probably from 1950's but have not rode either for some time.
I am collecting a bike trailer tomorrow so can move the Mongoose around for interesting places to explore.
I do have sat navs and gps plotters but will see how I get on using my head,eyes and maps first of all.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Nice Gus, don't let winter put you off riding as summer 17 is on its way and you can enjoy your new bike even more.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
Good stuff.

From the pics it appears you don't carry any puncture repair kit.

Up to you, of course, but I would never leave home without it.

A puncture is the overwhelmingly most likely cause of a breakdown, and the one you need the appropriate equipment to sort.

Most other mechanicals can be bodged one way or another, or simply ignored until you get home.


Nov 1, 2016
I was wondering about this, I will carry a spare battery, have one on order.
Also have a small toolkit for the other bikes, all in a small rucksack with of course something to drink and an apple or so.

Question, what sort of tools would I need to repair a puncture on 4" wide tubed tyres, just large levers plus normal stuff.?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nice One Gus

Just get yourself some merino wool thermal base layer, hat, gloves and a flourescent padded bomber jacket ..... then you can enjoy yourself on all the dry days this winter ... and be toastie warm :)


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 5, 2016
Good stuff.

From the pics it appears you don't carry any puncture repair kit.
It was in the rucksack, along with a spare tube and pump.

I wouldn't go far without the essentials, just haven't decided on where to put a pouch for them. Although I asked for the mudguards to be added, they do spoil the lines somewhat, but they do clip on n off.

The rucksack was heavy this time with the charger and new lock as well as the regular bits n bobs.



Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 5, 2016
Nice One Gus

Just get yourself some merino wool thermal base layer, hat, gloves and a flourescent padded bomber jacket ..... then you can enjoy yourself on all the dry days this winter ... and be toastie warm :)
Getting the stuff in fat boy sizes has always been my problem.

I was perhaps 2 stone lighter when I was commuting, and the winter bib longs and waterproof jacket don't zip up anymore and aren't waterproof anymore. Anyway, when I could still zip up the bib longs folk just pointed and laughed....



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 1, 2016
Well done gus,av also started my electric bike experience a bit late in the year using my converted bike for commuting to work 3 or 4 days a week but I think the commuting will be stopping soon cause it's starting to get pretty cold in the mornings now(am in Glasgow and there was frost on the cars this morning at 6.30).


Esteemed Pedelecer
Getting the stuff in fat boy sizes has always been my problem.

I was perhaps 2 stone lighter when I was commuting, and the winter bib longs and waterproof jacket don't zip up anymore and aren't waterproof anymore. Anyway, when I could still zip up the bib longs folk just pointed and laughed....


Up to 5XL Gus for £22 delivered. Sort you nicely .
Bike specific stuff always caters for skinny folk :)


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 5, 2016
Day 7 update

It's still bitterly cold here, but I've found I can stress the lycra to the max and get my old commuting gear on, although there remains a nagging worry of an explosive unstitching....

Anyway, just over 44 miles in first week, and it still makes me smile everytime.


Friday I went over the FRB again. I was originally going to go further, but turned back early as the cold n wind was too much in my shorts.


Sunday I put on the long bib thermals and went to Aberdour again.


Like I said earlier, still smiling.

This is my favourite spot, looking towards Inchcolm Island, We scattered Catherine's ashes on the island 2 years ago.

On the last 2 runs the battery remained on 5 bars until I dialled up the assistance for the last 300 yards or so home, all of which is uphill, and steep at times. Of course this leaves the indicated range barely in double figure miles, although the real world evidence suggests 3 times that.

One thing I'm thinking about is a cheap helmet cam/gopro thing. I've almost been taken out 3 times already by motorists who seem oblivious to me, despite my bulk.


Finally, the fitbit suggests the bike is having the desired effect on my activity levels, compared with the occasional long walks of previous weeks. So, the eBike really does offer a less effort but more of it option on trying to rebuild fitness and lose weight. Having said that, when I weighed myself on friday, weight was up slightly, but fat % was down, so hopefully building muscle.....

Hope it is all of interest,
and as I said, still smiling,
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
SHORTS at this time of year and over the FRB:eek: blimey Gus you must be built of Irnbru!:D
Get some hi viz and some flashing lights. Doesn't stop the idiots but at least you've done your bit. As a driver, I find a lot of cyclists have dark bikes and dress in dark clothing and don't jump into eye line as you need to. Get a couple of good strong strobing lights for daylight running. As a coat I use one of these:
Not the cheapest but God it stands out.