

Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Let's get this into perspective,you do not own one of these batteries you ask questons then dont listen to the people who are using these batteries, have found one negative post amongst hundreds of positive ones on a different forum,so now feel qualified to give advice???.

yours is a good point no matter what product..lets say the best car in the world..whatever that is...there will be thousands of positive comments but will always be the odd bad one....i think at the moment there isnt another folding electric bike in the price range i paid for my Quando that comes near it for all round performance..yet if even i wanted to i could find fault....but with every important buy i look for pro's and conn's....there was massive pro's and little con's...i dont go for hunch's i go for facts and figures...majority rules for me...:)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2007
I have found some one that has tested the battery. Load test on pingping 36v10ah battery | V is for Voltage Community
I think it say it all. Dont buy these batteries if you need any power!!
With respect, I'm afraid that your talking tosh.

If you take the time to read the lengthy (60 odd page) thread on these batteries on ES (probably the very best user-base for them on the planet) then you will see that, in practice, these batteries are fine, particularly now that they have the new, more reliable, BMS.

You obviously have no evidence from personal experience (as I and others on here do) yet feel that you know better than us and that it's OK to publicly trash a product that performs well, from your position of ignorance.

Li Ping is an honest and honourable supplier, who has shown that he believes in supplying a good product at a fair price. To suggest that people don't buy from him, based on one test on a small forum, whilst ignoring all of the positive test results from by far the biggest gathering of users, seems exceedingly unfair.



Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 20, 2008
Let's get this into perspective,you do not own one of these batteries you ask questons then dont listen to the people who are using these batteries, have found one negative post amongst hundreds of positive ones on a different forum,so now feel qualified to give advice???.
Sorry.... if you see my link in the last post. This person is the only person i have found that has tested this battery.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 16, 2007
Cornwall. PL27
Syman said:
"I have found some one that has tested the battery. Load test on pingping 36v10ah battery | V is for Voltage Community
I think it say it all. Don’t buy these batteries if you need any power!!"

It says it all!
Your right.
The test, if I'm not mistaken, is based on a 10ah packs and anyone who has bought one of these knows it has limitations - Ping says that at the ordering stage, that's why he asks about the maximum ah.
This test is at the extreme end (I think it says it all when you read)

.... I've been testing a single 36-volt 20ah ping pack on my Viento. Now there is no way this battery can run the bike (275amp controller and perm 132 motor geared for 42mph top speed) ....

This guy sound like a real speed junky. The legal limit for the UK (where I live) is 200-watt motor 15mph max power.

I don't see how someone can go claiming these packs are rubbish, when they are pushing them far beyond their intended use or capability.

Those sort of people are going to give electric bike’s a bad name (very likely attract the roving eye of the law) – why don’t they go and buy a bloody moped?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 20, 2008
With respect, I'm afraid that your talking tosh.

If you take the time to read the lengthy (60 odd page) thread on these batteries on ES (probably the very best user-base for them on the planet) then you will see that, in practice, these batteries are fine, particularly now that they have the new, more reliable, BMS.

You obviously have no evidence from personal experience (as I and others on here do) yet feel that you know better than us and that it's OK to publicly trash a product that performs well, from your position of ignorance.

Li Ping is an honest and honourable supplier, who has shown that he believes in supplying a good product at a fair price. To suggest that people don't buy from him, based on one test on a small forum, whilst ignoring all of the positive test results from by far the biggest gathering of users, seems exceedingly unfair.

I read forums mate. I dont have a battery. I have read many posts about these batterys cutting out or just not being able to deliver power. And on the link you provided ! The point here is to find a battery that will work with my bike. I am sure this battery is good for a lot of the chines made bikes with low power. I need 33amps. When i read a post that tells me that a battery is not only rated at 33amps but has also been tested (without moding!) I will buy one. I will also pay more for this!!!
Hienzmann have spent years finding the correct lifep04 battery for there kits and have only just introduced them. If i could buy one of theres i would


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2007
Firstly, I am not your "mate", to the very best of my knowledge we have never met or become acquainted.

Secondly, you came here asking for advice. Some of us with first-hand experience took the time to both try and help you and point you in the direction of further useful information.

Finally, you chose to draw a conclusion on a product without personal experience of it and without having taken the trouble to weigh the balance of published opinion. You then decide that it is OK to publish that ill-considered conclusion, in firm terms, without considering the negative impact it may have on the vendor.

If you took the time to read through the ES thread, then you would not find "many posts about these batteries cutting out" at the maximum current that you wish to use. You will find many people using them on fairly high power installations and singing their praises, particularly those who have the newer BMS.

You seem intent on rubbishing a perfectly acceptable product, from a decent seller, without the benefit of evidence. I happen to think that is unfair and a little unreasonable.

If you want to pay a lot more money, then fine, just go ahead and by a stack of LiFeBatt or A123 cells. These are the best available, are well proven (at least in the case of the A123 cells) and will undoubtedly deliver extremely high currents if required (check out the Killacycle to see what A123 cells will handle). They will cost a great deal more money (around £450 for 60 off A123 cells) and will require the development of a BMS and charging system at additional cost, but will probably deliver a couple of hundred amps if needed.

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May 12, 2008

Oh my god,what have I done, paid for my bike on Thursday and not only is it not delivered, or likely to be untill Tues, but I have just discovered it uses archaic Lithium Manganese looks to me as though it is obsolete before unpacking..How much better to have waited and bought the new LiFePo batterys with their enormously extended thread length.
or am I OK for a week or two.Please tell me I don't have to only ride at night to avoid the jibes of those better in the Know ?


Oct 25, 2006
Oh my god,what have I done, paid for my bike on Thursday and not only is it not delivered, or likely to be untill Tues, but I have just discovered it uses archaic Lithium Manganese looks to me as though it is obsolete before unpacking..How much better to have waited and bought the new LiFePo batterys with their enormously extended thread length.
or am I OK for a week or two.Please tell me I don't have to only ride at night to avoid the jibes of those better in the Know ?
Lead-acid, Ni-cad, NiMh, Li-cobalt, Li-manganese, LiFePO4.

With yours at number 5 in the e-bike sequence, that makes you very sensible oldosc.

Up to date technology but avoiding the very latest in case of unknown problems. :)


May 12, 2008
Thank the lord for that...last time I played with dc on my trawler it was with Ni Fe cells, and didn't we give them a pasting, overcharge, run dry salt water..all coped with.
My 50inch tv is obsolete (it's not progressive, my topfield box needs new firmware, my PC runs at 1.83, my new camera has only an 8gig memory, my moter home is 18 years old and my mig only welds 3mm plate, and I have holes in my sandals ) BUT iv'e got a new bike coming..aint life grand.


May 12, 2008
The delivery lady phoned at 7.30 to say it would be an hour, it's now 9.30 she is either lost or the ferry is not long do you have to charge the battery first time to try it


May 12, 2008
First opinion
Bike is a Kalkhoff Aggu Pedelec 7G delivered.9.30 today,everything seemed to check out ok. Battery had three lights showing out of 5. According to 50 cycles check list battery had been charged and bike road tested in all modes.
I put the battery back on charge..took 2.5 hours (aapprox) to bring up all 5 lights..gave it another hour, as
""I presume 5th led would show at 80% charge""
Test ride was to Rame head along coast path down into Cawsand (nearly 0 meters at water edge) then up to headland (115 meters elev) roads total switch back (we dont have an awefull lot of flat here) round distance 24klms
battery half light came on( 40% to 70%) half hour before end of journey. time was about 2.5 hours including stops. average speed 16.9 km
cycling time 1.2hrs
(max speed 56.8 ((bit stupid ))
Hours break, feeling bit tired but euphoric, tried another ride but 4 kms out consol lights started blinking..turned round but battery out. When I tried a bit of power up hill found I hadn't tightened stem enough . finished pushing bike up last hill,god it's heavy.
This is all a bit subjective, not like Fs careful evaluation (which is what sold me on this bike in the first place)
If this post is of intrest I will try to do it again in the correct forum (I think there is one called wots yer bike like):cool:


Feb 20, 2008
I think there is a "Agattu Performance" thread somewhere.

Did you loose power completely after some time of blinking on the last LED?

I have done 8 km on blinking LED and I still had power when I got home.


May 12, 2008
HI Eric
Yes I lost power complete, that's why the comment "god it's heavy" maybe the battery is not yet "conditioned" and if all else fails read the instructions...I did not charge the battery until the leds went out, too eager I guess. Trip today was 28km of Cornish roads, to Torpoint, was feeling a bit aprehensive as the last hill home is steep enough to drive up in 3rd for most cars, and I ache a bit from yesterday...but three leds on battery and two on controller, arrived home bright, and battery charged fully in 2.5 hrs, will try tomorrow to ride it flat and see what happens. I think I like my new bike, will take a little getting used real love was my last one weight 8k 24 gears bought when I was only 60 and still up for it, with the new one I feel like a Dutch widow cycling to church.
