Old Bikers


Jan 28, 2008
Hi all, I wonder how many others of advancing years are enjoying electric bikes!! I have only had mine a few weeks having purchased it second hand and really enjoying the benefits. I try not to use my car unless the weather is extremely bad, prefering to cycle the journey to work and back _8miles round trip. This I have done for the last few years using my mountain bike and at 62 years of age I must keep using it from time to time to keep in trim. I must say I'm most impressed with help I've received from this site especially flecc.
and others who dedicate so much of their time well done.


Oct 25, 2006
There are many of us Merv. The age profile of this site is hugely biased to the 50 upwards age groups, with many of us actively riding many miles in our 70s.

It's good to see more younger members joining us now though, since any notion of e-bikes being for the "old and frail" won't do much for sales.


Jan 28, 2008
You're a mere stripling, Merv! :)
Cheers Tony, I thought I could sit back and let the motor do all the work for a change. This morning I managed 3 miles into my journey to work when a familiar repetitive bumping noise comming from the rear alerted me to the fact that the rear tyre was infact deflating fast. Without a puncture kit or the inclenation to tackle this job in near zero temperature, I decided to push the bl---y thing all the way back home. Never mind back to the mountain bike again until I can get another puncture repair kit, as the adhesive has all dryed up _ adding insult to injury. Never mind, I'll pedal to work until the weekend in the sound knowlege that my trustee pedal bike is keeping me so fit, certainly fit enough to push a very heavy e_bike 3 miles back home and uphill at that.
