Waiting for my bike...


Nov 14, 2020
New to this forum.

I was going to wait until after Christmas, but I had been watching prices and Bikester sent me a 10% off code as a nudge, as sometimes happens. So for better or worse I ordered an Ortler with Bosch Performance motor and 500Wh battery on 21 December, knowing from reviews that their delivery times can stretch out and smack in the middle of Brexit lunacy and Christmas overload.

It's not worked out too well so far. The following day, France stopped the transport across the channel for 48 hours. The consequent chaos is presumably still sorting itself out. Meanwhile my bike has not even appeared on DHL's tracking, and Bikester has yet to respond to a message I sent them via its website a week ago.

I haven't given up on it and I'm not unduly worried, I wouldn't be using it much in this weather and if worst comes to worst I can ask for a credit card refund. I would however like to know what is going on, and whether it is "lost" or just held up.

Hey ho! And hello.
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