Electric bike newsNews

Boris Johnson’s future vision for London cycling

The flamboyant Mayor of London, who describes himself as a ‘passionate cyclist’, has laid out his vision for the future of London transport, with cycling firmly at its heart. In a Transport London document entitled ‘The Mayor’s Vision for Cycling in London’, Mr Johnson’s ambitions centre on transformative change, where “Cycling will be treated not …
Electric bike newsNews

European decision on electric bike power delayed

The European Parliament decision on the future power regulations for electric bikes has been delayed until at least July 2012, according to Bike Europe. Previously, MEPs have been lobbied by industry cycling associations COLIBI/COLIPED and the European Cyclists Federation who want the market to remain limited to bicycles with pedal assistance up to 25 km/h …
Electric bike newsNews

ETRA Newsletter – November 2011

ETRA is the European Twowheel Retailers’ Association and represents the interests of bicycle, motorcycle and electric bicycle dealers across Europe. This e-newsletter aims at providing you with a quick update on current ETRA affairs. E-mobility congress on 12 December e mobility congress Dutch trade paper Tweewieler organises the second edition of the E-Mobility congress for …