1000 Posts


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
I have just noticed that both myself and Stuart (Coops) are very close to the 1000 mark, in fact the next lively debate could well see us both over that figure.

Miles behind Flecc though who is rapidly approaching a whopping 5000!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
:D Its surprising how fast they accumulate, isn't it? I think we've been neck and neck for a while, Ian, but I'm not racing, honest! ;) :D Nicely timed pre-emption of the occasion of the 1000th post though!

Far behind flecc's post count as you say, but still quite a significant milestone I think for pedelecs, and since new year the number of members seems to have grown quite quickly too - nearly 650 now!

I've speculated before, rather prematurely as it happens, as to what happens at 1000 posts, though I suspect nothing actually changes, but I guess we'll find out soon enough! :D



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 1, 2007
Peterborough, UK
I have just noticed that both myself and Stuart (Coops) are very close to the 1000 mark, in fact the next lively debate could well see us both over that figure.

Miles behind Flecc though who is rapidly approaching a whopping 5000!
Thanks to both of you for your contributions. Very informative and always a pleasure to read.



Oct 25, 2006
Well done Ian and Stuart, and thanks for all your very valuable contributions to the forum. My posting rate has fallen away recently and will continue to do so, since much of it was my effort from the forum first opening to firmly establish it to the point where it could stand on it's own. Any non-response to queries in the earlier days would have been fatal of course, giving the impression of yet another moribund site. No danger of that now. :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
Thanks James, very kind of you to say so & its good to hear that others benefit from & enjoy pedelecs too: I've found it to be a great community, sharing in the challenges, benefits & enjoyment of choosing & running ebikes and having a good laugh along the way at times, too :D.

Thanks too, flecc, for your kind words: the pivotal role you've played & amazingly detailed information you provide on seemingly any subject very much continues to make this forum what it is :).



Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
but I'm not racing
Me neither Stuart, after all there's no prizes, and if there was Flecc would have rightfully taken it long ago.

Most of our posting rates have fallen off since the earlier days, there's a couple of reasons I think, one being that for many topics it's the 3rd or 4th time round and for those of us who were involved on the previous occasions it gets a little repetitive. That's not to say that the topic should not be discussed, it is after all a current topic to the newer members.

The other reason being that some of us have no experience of the bikes that are the subject of much discussion these days, I know most things about a Torq from experience but what I know about an Aggutta is what I've read here.

That said there's still plenty to talk about, and once again the weather isn't suitable for biking, at least not for pleasure.

Thanks guys for your encouraging comments.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
I just noticed you're on 1004 now Ian, so congratulations on reaching a milestone 1000 posts! :D (this seems the most appropriate place to say it!) - I missed your actual 1000th I'm afraid (always happens!) but we're a relaxed lot at pedelecs, eh? :D

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
Make that 4 to go now ;) :D. Still, as you say, could be hours or days depending on my post rate which has been a bit erratic of late :) - I'll probably forget about the 1000 landmark before I even get there, and maybe no-one else will notice either! :D Lots of forum activity lately, too.

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Oct 25, 2006
Thanks Stuart, I did actually sit at 999 for a couple of days with nothing much to say. You only have 5 to go before reaching the milestone yourself.
You should have pulled the fast one I did with my 4000th Ian, posted that this is your 1000th! :D

Congratulations anyway, and already well off the mark to 2000. As Stuart remarked, the forum is very lively now, and I'm always surprised at the number of new postings when I come in after being absent for a few hours.

A far cry from when I'd wait a day for a post to appear, not so long ago either.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
Thanks once again Flecc. Your comments about the current liveliness of the forum are certainly true, there's usually so much going on that I have to be selective about which debates to join in with now as there are simply not enough spare hours to post on all topics.

My typing speed has gone up since joining this forum though, unfortunately the time spent on corrections has gone up as well.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
... I'm always surprised at the number of new postings when I come in after being absent for a few hours.

A far cry from when I'd wait a day for a post to appear, not so long ago either.
True about the number of postings, it has hotted up recently - like buses, you wait and wait and five turn up at the same time (sorry wrong thread). There is not enough time to post on all the interesting threads. Today I have been told by my other half that I am addicted to the forum so maybe I should spend less time here. Of course I may find that she joins it as well to enjoy a bit of my company! So I shall slow down I think.


Oct 25, 2006
My typing speed has gone up since joining this forum though, unfortunately the time spent on corrections has gone up as well.
Ditto. :(

Somehow speed is more easily gained than accuracy. I blame the keyboard. What else can be expected when most of the letters are never where I'm hitting. :confused:


Oct 25, 2006
True about the number of postings, it has hotted up recently - like buses, you wait and wait and five turn up at the same time (sorry wrong thread). There is not enough time to post on all the interesting threads.
I think the most dramatic change has been at weekends. Not so long ago it was predominantly a weekday working hours forum, and it was only weeks ago that I remarked on that. Evenings were quieter, and the weekend very quiet, with Saturdays particularly dead.

But look at this Saturday, buzzing all day and evening long, a big transformation.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
But look at this Saturday, buzzing all day and evening long, a big transformation.
... possibly to do with the pouring rain of course. Every time I left the house today I got soaked with that horrible rain that is like a penetrating fine mist. I expect a lot of people stayed at home and got on their computers for entertainment!


Oct 25, 2006
I'd forgotten the forecast elsewhere Hal, it's stayed almost completely dry here in the North East Surrey area, and I was out riding most of the afternoon and a bit this morning.

Should be the same tomorrow too, but in think there's rain after that again, just like all last week.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
1000 posts aside, we could have over 1000 members by mid-2008 :cool: if the current rate of increase continues and isn't a seasonal blip due to bad weather, shorter days or new years resolutions!



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
Oh, and by the way, (taking a leaf out of flecc's book) thats my 1000 up now! :D (I thought I'd sneak this post in unnoticed late at night, except even now still 17 online! :eek: Hopefully a few more overseas members & it'll be a full 24hr active forum! :))

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
Congratulations on your 1000th post Stuart, of course it's only a number, if you're anything like me then the actual number of posts composed, re-composed, re-writted etc. adds to a rather higher but unrecorded number.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 18, 2006
Well done coops and ian you have always been very helpfull to me in the past keep up the good work:D 2000 posts next:) nigel