23 June Bristol Electric Bike Festival - are you taking part ?


Aug 2, 2008
As the last thread became a bit confusing if you actulally wanted to enter I thought it would be better to start something new

We have an open "Race" which will be an easy going event to allow people with electric bikes to have a chance to join in and try out our Park Street hill

As there have been no entrants so far for the Unlimited race it has been decided not to run this and concentrate on road legal bikes only

So why not come along to the whole event - most of the City Centre will now be closed for a wide variety of Electric transport, Solar and Cycle friendly events that day - so lots going on

And why not bring your bike and take part in the Park Street Challenge - enter here

Participate in Electric Hill Climb

The day is meant to be fun ,informative and to show people what electric bikes are


Aug 2, 2008
Here are the manufacturers that are there:-

BH Easy Motion,
Hero Eco,
Juicy bikes,

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Hi Al,

So looking forward to your event! I am riding the Grace Easy at the moment, the 48V power is wonderful for a fat bloke like me!* And it is absolutely silent, a real cracker!

Next week we will be announcing a new range of German bikes to our stable, can't disclose yet but we will certainly be bringing them with us. Bosch powered beauties which can be specced up as high as you like, there is even a Rohloff option!

Really looking forward to getting back into the mix with the new powerful Wisper Classics too!

All the best


* Not quite as fat now, since January I have been riding every day, snow permitting, and am up to 20 miles a day on the Easy! Getting fitter and lost 5 stones as of yesterday. They should prescribe electric bikes on the NHS, nothing else (including all the fad diets ever invented) has ever worked so well!
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50 Hertz

Mar 6, 2013
* Not quite as fat now, since January I have been riding every day, snow permitting, and am up to 20 miles a day on the Easy! Getting fitter and lost 5 stones as of yesterday. They should prescribe electric bikes on the NHS, nothing else (including all the fad diets ever invented) has ever worked so well!
Well done that man! You can't beat exercise for weight loss. It all comes down to two simple equations:

Energy in < Energy Out = Thin

Energy in > Energy Out = Fat

Forget all the celebrity diets, they are just variations of this principle.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Absolutely 50Hertz!

I have tried them all and this is the only formula that works long term.

A pound of human fat holds about 3,500 calories of energy, if I take on 3,500 calories more than I burn I will become a pound heavier and visa versa. There are many fad dieticians that dispute this, and I am sure that food combining helps, however as food combining simply slows the bodies calorie storing capability, it has the same effect as cutting down on calories.

Anyway, the main point is that the electric bike rides have helped me massively towards my weight loss goal, and the exercise has controlled my asthma.

Five down four to go!

All the best



Oct 25, 2006
I have been banging on about this to my womenfolk and it's still not accepted.
They never do. In my experience they mostly insist they only eat 800 calories a day but still gain weight!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 23, 2010
I tried the Grace Easy last Friday. I agree, it's certainly a lovely bike to ride and dead silent. Only one problem, it wants to go much faster than the assist cut-off so you feel a bit cheated that you're doing all the work. Didn't notice any drag though when cycling over 25kph. Of course, you'd expect it to be a lovely bike at £3k. I think it should do well in the hill race - I easily overtook some lycra types on that very hill.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Thanks Jonah, it is a splendid ride!

I have found as I have become fitter and more used to the bike, the 26KPH cut off is bothering me less and less. As the bike is so easy to ride on "push bike" mode, I simply take over where the bike leaves off. This is normally on the dead flat or on a decline so very little effort is needed.

I have recently started to use the 4 "battery recharge" settings when slowing down or coming down steep hills. I have always been sceptical of "regen" on e-bikes, however using this very clever system I am getting about 20% more range than when I don't use it. I should say that I live on the north downs in Kent so the hills can be as steep as 15%. So far, I have not been beaten on this bike by any of the hills, although they do drain the power somewhat, however on the way back down I set the regen to max (level 4) which stops me needing to brake so often and does a great job topping up the battery. Cleverly the application of the brakes also flip the motor to recharge mode so every time I use them I claim some of the energy expended on getting the bike up to speed.

As you say, an expensive bike but it really does make me want to get out there whenever the rain stops!

The other advantage of course is that it looks amazing! Even with me on it!

We will have the Grace Easy and MX ready for test rides at the Bristol event, for those with fat wallets!!

All the best



Cough !!

Just a quick reminder

Anybody coming along to the event to show us how you overtake on hills ;)

Participate in Electric Hill Climb

Please sign in now
Sorry about the cough Alastair, I hope it clears up soon;)

I believe we have already registered for this event, could you confirm please?

Also, if I may be pedantic, there was a typo in the list of participants earlier in this thread, eZee is spelt eZee, pronounced eZee and we are CycleZee, UK suppliers of eZee electric bikes and conversion kits.

I know I know, enough already:eek: