Do you live in the Manchester-Sheffield-Leeds triangle?


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
I am trying to organise a roadshow similar to our London Redbridge event and working together with a local ebike dealer bring our Kudos bikes plus other importers that may be interested up to the north.
Kudos is adding KTM to its stable.
We have identified the Upper Derwent visitors centre between Ladybower and Derwent/Howden reservoirs as a possible venue. Google is good at revealing the type of roads when its a public road but cannot show private roads/tracks.
The type of road that is ideal for testing ebikes(both urban and mountain bike style)is hard surfaced,not soft forest track style. The roads that lead north or east from the visitors centre are not easily categorised-does anybody know these roads well and say whether they are suitable for ebike testing?
This reservoir complex certainly is a beautiful area,the Derwent dam was used by 617 squadron for practicing the dambuster raids.
any comments welcome as to the suitability of this location,both negative and positive.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 2, 2009
I know the road very well. There are some inclines on it so it would give some indication of climbing ability, and being closed to most traffic should make novices feel more comfortable. The road is tarmac and about 4 ish miles long from Fairholmes going north.

The eastern road is quite good for about 3 miles being hard packed stone and that has some steeper sections than the tarmac west road. A full loop is possible with only the top section being a little rough, it's perfectly rideable on a folder with 20" wheels though.
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Sep 25, 2011
Sheffield, United Kingdom
I cycle there perhaps 2 or three times a month. It is only a few miles from where I live. It is a very popular spot for outdoor activities. BUT because it is popular it is often too busy. I had to park 5 miles away last week, I am not kidding. I doubt you would get permission from the owners of the sight because of this to be honest. But it is worth asking. There is also a cycle hire place that may object.
The full loop is about 16 miles but you can do a half loop that only goes around Derwent. The rough section mentioned by Artsu is doable on just about any bike, just a little steep in a couple of spots. I ride up it on my recumbent and I am not a strong rider but anyone who has trouble can push on that bit. An eBike would fly up it.
the rest of the roads around on the official route is either tarmac or hardpack (hardcore rolled) it is perfect "family" outing type of surface.
So my suggestion is to contact the people at the peak district quango Home: Peak District National Park Authority
They would be the people to talk to for relevant permits.
If I can be any help send me a PM and I can give you my phone number for a chat.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Thanks for your reply,I will write to the visitor's centre to ask permission-I assume this area is very busy within the school holidays? My thoughts are the tarmac road going north from Fairholmes along the west side would suit those trying ebikes for the first time and the odd climb would show the climbing ability on a hard surfaced road,8 miles is a good test for most novices.
For those who want a more serious test they could try the clockwise loop from Fairholmes,eastwards across the reservoir,down the eastside of Ladybower,short bit along the A57 and back fast along the tarmac road to Fairholmes-do you know whether this has any hills? How long would such a route take to ride? Would this be ideal for our mountain style bikes,including the Ibex? For obvious reasons I am trying to avoid the bikes getting too muddy. you know the area well do you have a better suggestion?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 2, 2009
Thanks for your reply,I will write to the visitor's centre to ask permission-I assume this area is very busy within the school holidays?
As Spinalot says it does get very busy, good for footfall, unless you're really looking for an area where only those in the know or invited are your target? The carpark soon fills up as he says.

My thoughts are the tarmac road going north from Fairholmes along the west side would suit those trying ebikes for the first time and the odd climb would show the climbing ability on a hard surfaced road,8 miles is a good test for most novices.
A run up to the turning circle on the north west section and then return the same way would be best for those. probably about 6 miles.

For those who want a more serious test they could try the clockwise loop from Fairholmes,eastwards across the reservoir,down the eastside of Ladybower,short bit along the A57 and back fast along the tarmac road to Fairholmes-do you know whether this has any hills? How long would such a route take to ride?
A full north circuit round and above Howden either way would be better, it's around 9 miles I think. The south east mainly hard surfaced road does have a few inclines too, but the return from the A57 to Fairholmes is busy and probably the least enjoyable bit, that's around 7 miles in total. Another option though, again either way.

Would this be ideal for our mountain style bikes,including the Ibex? For obvious reasons I am trying to avoid the bikes getting too muddy.
The very north section is the roughest, and a couple of gravely switchbacks on the east side are good for some serious speed. you know the area well do you have a better suggestion?
I guess that depends on whether you want to set-up in a busy place or want somewhere for the invited only to take part?

I forgot to say the bridlepath going north from slippery stones at the very north of the loop we've talked about would be the most serious test for the MTB's. I've not ventured up there for a very long time and have forgotten how rideable it is.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Thanks guys,there is only so much that you can learn from a laptop and Google. If you can suggest alternatives,most welcome. The location seemed good in that it appears about 20 miles to Sheffield,Manchester and Leeds,so many would find it easy to get there. But I appreciate that also means it would be very busy.
The Manifold Trail event is going to be a learning curve for us organising these roadshows on public roads,be interesting how it works. In some respects the Redbridge event is much easier to organise.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 2, 2009
Thanks guys,there is only so much that you can learn from a laptop and Google. If you can suggest alternatives,most welcome. The location seemed good in that it appears about 20 miles to Sheffield,Manchester and Leeds,so many would find it easy to get there. But I appreciate that also means it would be very busy.
The Manifold Trail event is going to be a learning curve for us organising these roadshows on public roads,be interesting how it works. In some respects the Redbridge event is much easier to organise.
You chose well Dave, it's a very good spot. From your reply I take it that you're looking for somewhere a little bit quieter?
I'll try and find the Manifold trail thread to see where you'll be on the trail.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Manifold Trail-we are based at the Wetton Mill Tea Rooms....there are a couple of logical loops which we think will work well,its only 1 month away now so we will be up there soon.
Some members are asking for us to go further north and there is a big population close to the north side of the Peak District.
The Derwent location would work well if I could interest other ebike suppliers to have a mini ebike exhibition,like that organised by the Eden Project in Cornwall,the potential number of viewers in such a busy location may be too much for Kudos on its own.
Alternatively,a quieter location may be nicer for pedelec members to attend a more personal event.
Difficult to decide,may have a chat with other ebike suppliers as to the interest in doing a mini exhibition ,that may be more attractive to the reservoir owners.


Sep 25, 2011
Sheffield, United Kingdom
If you get permission then there are alot of places other than the car park they could alow you to set up. I would say that for the reason you say, Close to Manchester/Sheffield and the peaks it would be an awesome spot for a Demonstration event. The tracks and trails around it are very varied and will give any prospective customers a great demo.
I would stick with your original idea until you get a negative response from the park authorities. The amount of people that go out here when it is not (and even when it is) raining is amazing.
I would be happy to meet up with you one weekend soon so you can "scout" for yourself along with Artstu if he is up for it.
The full loop takes about 4 hours with a picnic at Slippery Stones
Here is a short film I made at Slippery Stones
It would be nice to meet you and give you a tour.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
The thought occurs to me Dave that this target 'northern' area could surely get to your Manifold trail expo....they arent that far apart.......wouldnt it be better to go to the 'real' north of England where you might even tempt people down from Scotland too ?

For real Newcastle area.....plenty population up there too you know ;)

Lynda :)


Sep 25, 2011
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Just had another thought.

Close to where I live is a route I do a couple of times a week. It is called More Hall reservoir and this runs into Broomhead reservoir this is a much smaller venue than the Ladybower group of reservoirs.
Link to google map
Lots of on road (smooth, brand new, section on "New Road" and a couple of "firm" trails, very nice scenery and you can nip to Stocksbridge after the event for a cuppa and a hot cross bun at my house!


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 31, 2011
The thought occurs to me Dave that this target 'northern' area could surely get to your Manifold trail expo....they arent that far apart.......wouldnt it be better to go to the 'real' north of England where you might even tempt people down from Scotland too ?

For real Newcastle area.....plenty population up there too you know ;)

Lynda :)

Dave has talked about Boro so thats getting closer


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Isn't that the place on the map marked "here be dragons"? its the placed marked "here be the superior geordie race " ;)

Lynda :)


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Another great option would be the Longdendale Trail along the beautiful Woodhead reservoir.
Thunderblue....have had a look at the Longdendale Trail. You have some lovely scenery in the Peak District. This venue would be more personal. I looked at the road from Torside to Padfield,looks to have some hills on that route. Its difficult to get info on the Torside Visitors Centre-size of the car park?-are there toilets there?
If it wasn't a nice day that is a wild place to be.
All good suggestions,thanks