eMTB owners photo and ride thread.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2015
Georgehenry, I'm currently thinking that I might put a single chain ring on my Ultra 1964. I have been riding a few other bikes lately that have a single chain ring set up, and prefer it.[/QUOTE]

A single chain ring is simple if it gives you the gear range you require.

Although I hardly ever ride it I quite like the triple chain ring set up on my KTM 1964 ultra and try to keep my chain somewhere close to the middle ratios of the rear cassette and swap between the three front chain rings until I need lower gears.

on my Haibike sDuro HardSeven 2015 I may eventually convert the single front chain ring set up to a dual chain ring to give me wider gearing and enable me to be more often in the middle ratios of my rear cassette.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 6, 2012
Are the other mtb'rs on e-bikes?
So much greenery Wow! One of the things that I like about you is that you are really getting the full usage of your bike. This is why by owning an ebike opens up ones life to greater newer levels.
Looking at your photos including other members on here I find to be very therapeutic with a pinch of mixed in jealousy.( Sorry,I did not mean to say that my keyboard letters seem to be sticking).
I am so angry that we are all so far apart to meet up and remember guys we are getting older by the second, so we need to do something about it including you also LeighPing, ONLY and if you are bringing along with you my baby love.

Having and riding an ebike is the best hobby one can have plus being a member of this pedelecs website. If it wasn't for this website where else could we go to release that heavy bottled up tension? Err! EddiePJ no comment from you please.


Steve A

Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 28, 2016
Ashford, UK
No, just a group of people out riding. :) I did see someone on a Cube, that fell of it whilst being stationary!

Here is another group that I really impressed me. They were out on a club ride, with the lead rider going at a sensible pace for the group, and a tail end rider that kept pace with the slowest rider, never leaving them behind. The group also waited patiently periodically for the slowest to catch up, and also gave them breathing time. The club runs three rides a week, with three different abilities, and also much more beside including a bike shop discount card. All that for a fiver a year.

Georgehenry, I'm currently thinking that I might put a single chain ring on my Ultra 1964. I have been riding a few other bikes lately that have a single chain ring set up, and prefer it.
That's great group riding, and the way it should be. Not easy riding on grass especially when it's wet n muddy. Sooo pleased i have an e-bike now.:)
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Steve A

Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 28, 2016
Ashford, UK
Friend of mine got knocked of his bike on Sunday, car was impatient and mirror clipped him. He fine bar cuts and bruises, buy bike not good. Worst of all car didn't stop.

I'm seriously thinking of leaving my go pro session on back of bike all the time i ride on road.

Sad times:mad:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
That's great group riding, and the way it should be. Not easy riding on grass especially when it's wet n muddy. Sooo pleased i have an e-bike now.:)
Out of everything that I have ridden on the SD, that one climb is my least favourite. I don't know what it is about it, but it has me mentally beaten before I have even started.
It must be a real pig on a regular mtb, as there is even a gate way at the bottom of the climb, so you can't even get a run up for it.
The climb itself is 1 mile long, with an elevation gain of 429ft

There are far steeper and harder climbs on the SD, and I give none of them even a second thought, very strange.
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Nov 23, 2016
Friend of mine got knocked of his bike on Sunday, car was impatient and mirror clipped him. He fine bar cuts and bruises, buy bike not good. Worst of all car didn't stop.

I'm seriously thinking of leaving my go pro session on back of bike all the time i ride on road.

Sad times:mad:
I ride with a cam all the time on me ebike and motorbike. I had a women
knock me off and then denied it, so from then on cam on and working.
Hope your mate gets his bike fixed easily
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Did you mean that I rode on? :)

The only road sections were a couple of side streets an Alfriston, 0.3mile at Exceat and 0.3mile at Bishopestone, yet another 0.3mile at East Deane, one road crossing at Alfriston Road, one at Beachy Head, and one at Piddinghoe. The rest was all off road. :) I try to keep the road riding to the bare minimum. :)

This section always does my crunch if I happen to ride this route. The bridleway just stops, and then goes onto a footpath. I really want to find a route that roughly follows the yellow line. The footpath is fine, but I'm not out to cause conflict where I ride, and whilst no one has said anything, I have had a few looks that could turn you to stone.

Two more shots from the day.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 14, 2016
Did you mean that I rode on? :)
Nah, while I'd love to say I was a member of the plutocracy, I'm afraid that'd be a big porky pie :rolleyes:

The road I live on just happens to be featured on your map. But I is hidin' :D

I thought there was a good cycleway just South and running alongside the main drag between Newhaven and Seaford. It might not be off roady enough for you though.

Deere John

Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 13, 2015
So... last weeks re-premiere of the fattie went well, I just got a flat tyre. But I fixed that yesterday. It was my previous fix that had loosened up or something (quick patch). So I put on a regular glue patch this time. And also changed to a new saddle, a Wittkop from the Lidl campaign last week!

Well... since I haven't ridden so much trail lateley it felt a little undoubtful at times. And I actually crashed three times! :) unfortunately my derailleur hanger got bent and I tried to fixed it by pulling the derailleur a little but then that one broke too!!! Can I say some nasty words?? Please!!?? Ok, I wont, but anyway. I noticed you can buy the derailleur side as spare part for 10E. Great! So I ordered hanger and side and will hopefully get the bike rollin', again, next week! :) I also noticed Bosch CX eats derallieur jockey wheels for breakfast so I ordered some of that too.


I've had my shed of bad luck now I think. Especially the rear drivetrain. But the bike have actually rolled more than 2000km now without any other problems so I guess it was time, or something :) but a little tiresome nonetheless! See ya in a few weeks, again! :)

Meanwhile I'll post here a photo of the bike when it was brand new, half unboxed! What a package they deliviered to the door step, luckily I wasn't trying get it home in my own car :)



Oct 27, 2016
Friend of mine got knocked of his bike on Sunday, car was impatient and mirror clipped him. He fine bar cuts and bruises, buy bike not good. Worst of all car didn't stop.

I'm seriously thinking of leaving my go pro session on back of bike all the time i ride on road.

Sad times:mad:


Oct 27, 2016
Sorry to hear about your mate.Every time i go out on the rd theres nearly always someone cutting me up or driving to close .I use the path where i can but not always suitable. Probably for me any way its the only downside to riding a bike.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 5, 2016
I took this photo of the A 49 at Ashton, a very busy and nasty road, I never cycle on it.

I was out near it last night and the road was closed so I cycled over and parked my bike and took a picture.

Reason for the road closure; a cycle club were doing time trials and turning round in a big layby, one of the cyclists was hit at the layby by a car. These clubs have warning signs out, the cyclists are dressed like Canaries etc etc what else can you do.

Air ambulance road closed for several hours etc etc.

The accident happened just over the hill in the photo

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