Frankenstein motor project


Just Joined
Apr 6, 2023
Good morning. I am asking for help for homemade resolution. I have an Ananda M80 engine with failed controller. Ananda no longer supplies spare parts for this engine. For not throw the motor in the bin, I'm trying to repair it with a bafang bbs02 CR controller, that fits well in place of the old controller. A friend of mine had a faulty one, that he gift me (usual mosfets to be replaced) to test. My biggest problem now is that the controller work at 48v, while my old system was 36v. I would like to know from you experts, if by programming cable it is possible to get this controller to run at 36v instead of 48. if not possible, I would also be willing to change the various regulators on the circuit to make it work. Since it's just a test for the moment, I wouldn't want to buy the new 36v controller for not throw money in the trash.

Thanks to everyone who will contribute their information to my project.