Yes well I bought the bike with the voilamart on. My first e bike. No experience or knowledge. you may remember I bought a second Giant Suede with standard wheel and with normal and eco mode to use while I was fixing the voilamart motor after wheel dropped out. Annoyingly I sold it instead of selling the voilamart one. Regret that. The eco mode really suited me much better and im sure I would have got much more range from it. Bad decision.Those voilamart controllers are pretty much rubbish hence the cheapness of the kits, it is why so many buy them who aren't knowledgeable about the control systems.
The controllers are speed control so you get max current at low speed all the time and then it only decreases as you near the cut out speed. You can't gently waft along as the hard shove in the back is always there, whereas the KT is the opposite in PAS 1 & 2 you get a gentle push along and if you want the extra oomph one simply uses the thumb throttle or selects a higher PAS.