Help! Is my bottom bracket suitable for a TSDZ2?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 13, 2020
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster. I have a 2012 Specalized Allez (pretty sure its this one: and I'm looking at fitting a TSDZ2 from Woosh onto it. I don't know a whole lot about bike maintenance and parts, so I'm having trouble understanding whether or not my bottom bracket is suitable. From the link I posted, it looks like it has a 68mm x 113mm bottom bracket, with possibly a BB-UN26 square taper cartidge thing in it? Does that make sense for this bike, and would this be suitable for a mid drive conversion like the TSDZ2?

I can provide pics if needed, let me know, and thank you for the help.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 24, 2018
thurrock essex
The tdz should fit a 68mm ok , please post a pic of the bb and does the gear cable run under the frame, the brake cut off supplied will not work on drop bar,s but the switch could be fitted with a bit off faffing


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 13, 2020
I wasn't planning on using a throttle and brake cut off, it's responsive enough with the torque sensor it doesn't seem to be necessary.

I've attached the best pics I can get of the bracket with the crankset still on, along with a measuring tape - sorry for inches, but 68mm is ~2.67 inches, so it looks to be close with my shitty measuring.

Is there anything inside the bottom bracket shell I'd need to be concerned about, or will the kit work with basically any BB shell?



Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
BB is perfect though you may have to carefully dremmel or file any shell interior over weld down if the TDSZ doesn't pass through easy, a good dob of grease will also help to slide in.

No need to fit sensors if a throttle isn't used .


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 13, 2020
Excellent, thanks Peter and Neal for the support - I'll place the order and have my LBS pull the bottom bracket! Very excited.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 24, 2018
thurrock essex
Quite often getting the old bb out is the hardest job , but the right tool and a short scaffold pole will remove most ,you will enjoy the conversion the tsdz will provide a :D


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 13, 2020
So peter.c and Nealh, I took the plunge and ordered the kit from Woosh, it came today, my LBS pulled the BB today, and I installed it today - oh my, it's insanely good. I've never ridden an e-bike before, but it was magical. I was doing 15 mph up an annoying hill right by my house, around 5% grade, pedaling an enjoyable amount but not dying like I usually do. It didn't really feel like there was a ton of assistance, it just felt like I was Lance Armstrong or something. Wonderful experience, would recommend.

Pics attached, and very related.

The issues I had while installing:
  • As expected, the cable guide would not fit with the motor on there. I yanked the cable guide off, pulled the front derailleur off entirely, then asked the LBS for advice on rerouting the rear cable. They cable tied a bit of outer sheath between the motor and frame, and that seems to work well - not sure on longevity, but cross that bridge when we get there.
  • The small remote controller wouldn't fit around my handlebars, so I'm going without for now. I'll find a solution that will almost certainly involve more zipties, but for now, the screen itself works well enough.
  • The battery _nearly_ didn't fit on my downtube where the current rivnuts were, but fits fine now with the front derailleur removed.
  • The rear beams going from the bottom bracket to the rear wheel were nearly too thick for the brace plate bolt thing, but managed to get it on and tight-ish. I think it has enough thread bite.
  • There wasn't enough clearance between the speed sensor and the spokes of the rear wheel, so the Woosh kit recommended removing the mount bracket and just cable tying it on - this worked, though it is still pretty close.
  • I need to waterproof the battery connectors, as it doesn't look like those connectors are going to be waterproof.
  • It was extremely sunny out while I was doing the install, and now I am sunburnt. :)
I've attached pics of the cable tie sheathing between the motor and the bracket as well as the connectors, and the finished bike!


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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
The bullets are a bit crap for battery connections.
Either pull them a part slide a length of glued heat shrink along the wire, reconnect and shrink them. Use self amalgamating tape to wrap the joint or cut the connectors off and directly solder the wires together having slid heat shrink on first then shrink them.