KTM Corner


Feb 26, 2014
Beautiful pictures Eddie! You should be on commission for making so many people fall in love with your KTM :)

As for dealers in my neck of the woods... Damien Harris in Cardiff would have ordered an eKTM for me but had none that I could test ride. They said I could see one but that was all as they went out to customers as soon as they came in. That's what led me down to Swindon. I think there may be a Bristol dealer but have no idea on their stock. I wanted to see Haibike and KTM when I went to test ride so that's another reason why I chose E-Motion as they had both. I was very very happy with the advice I was given and the fact that Mark Butler came up to Wales personally to deliver it to me and set it up. He did a great job in doing so and was kind enough to change the seat for me gratis and brought a spanner to leave behind with me so I could remove the rear wheel (he knew I had no tools as I'd bought a multi tool and various other bits of kit off him).

I know Swindon isn't local to Newport but the trip down the M4 is straightforward at least. I'm about to go back there on Tuesday to service the bike at 300 miles and buy some things on my list. I will give a report of what the customer service is like on a return visit.

Your brother in law is most welcome to come and see my KTM in the flesh. I can't give him an off road session as the suspension would be set up all wrong unless he is very light, but he is welcome to have a quick spin on the road to compare the Panasonic hub to his experience with your Bosch.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Many thanks for the advice TK. :)

I'll forward all the details on.

In relation to the test ride, I won't suggest that or even mention it, but it is a very kind offer from you. Thanks. :) Letting someone ride your pride and joy isn't something to consider lightly. With the BH, I was past caring, but I did cringe several times on Saturday. The test ride with the next guy at the end of this week will be very different. He has good mechanical empathy, and keeps his bikes in spotless and immaculate condition, so I have no worries there. :)
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Sep 19, 2012
Still no sign of a replacement wheel for my erace P650. Over two months now. Will KTM ever send a replacement wheel????? I'll be sure to keep everyone informed.

I've just checked in, and yes it appears. KTM thought it was the age of your hub and a software update that would sort it, because the older ones had a small problem with over heating which was fixed with the update.

However if hub as bits of metal floating about its more likely a collapsed bearing or a broken axle, something mechanical.

We did email you about this already this morning... so check your email, just so you don't think we're only responding because of this post ;)

There is a new wheel on its way to the dealer, so we hope they'd have it next week at some point.

Its a black hub, not an orange one I'm afraid but thats what we emailed you about.

Still no sign of a replacement wheel for my erace P650. Over two months now. Will KTM ever send a replacement wheel????? I'll be sure to keep everyone informed.
I'll contact austria about this first thing, because I can assure you a replacement has been sent. If it's not arrived with the dealer I'm very sorry... I'll find out where it's got to and if its lost in courier world. We now have demo bikes so I'll pull a hub off so your not without a bike any longer

Just FYI this is the email confirmation we get that the hub has been shipped

Dear Customer!All parts related to your support case reference: ANF-38428-ZJL4NC (Ersatzlieferung / eRace P 650 2013 // KS30207475 // Raer HUb motor damage / The Electric Transport Shop Limited), have now shipped.
If any of these parts need to be sent back to KTM, please reply to this mail when the parts are ready for pick up (within the next 14 days at the latest).With best regards
Your KTM Support Team


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Well todays ride proved to be an interesting one. :)

I thought that I'd have a ride out from Alfriston and do a very loop around, taking in Newhaven and the sounding areas. I drove the 25 miles down to Alfriston, and was a away pedalling by about 8.00am.
My intentions of riding a large loop were very soon curtailed at the first climb. The chalk bridleways are bloody lethal when wet, and add wet claggy clay to this, and you suddenly have one very difficult surface to ride on.
First very slippery climb out the way, the hurdle hit me, gale force wind. It was as much as I could do just to keep moving forwards, and looking down at the bike, I was leaning right into the wind, just to stay upright. Keeping to a set line was absolutely impossible, and it wasn't until the road sections, where I couldn't even stay on the right side of the carriage way, that I realised just how bad that it was. I saw next to no one during the ride, but spoke to one lad who claimed that he had been blown off from his bike twice. Not sure if it was an exaggeration or not, but I wouldn't have been surprised. I also spoke to a really nice farmer who was lapping the wind and weather up. To quote him. "be honest, you wouldn't want to be anywhere else" he was right, and despite this being close to the hardest ride that I have ever done, I loved every second of it. I did cut the ride short though at just over 27 miles, as I simply really couldn't have done much more today and come away having enjoyed it. One negative aspect about the ride, was that many of the hedges have now been cut, and the South Downs consists of mainly black thorn. I did very well to last until the final half mile before I received the inevitable puncture in the rear tyre. I rode the bike with the tyre going down, for the last section, before stopping for a well deserved coffee at Alfriston, along with two of the best hot sausage rolls that you will ever be able to find. What did surprise me about todays ride, was that I had to stop to lubricate the chain twice. I'd forgotten just how harsh that the chalk and clay environment is. Just as well that I always carry chain lube.

This was the route.

The loop around in the middle, is Friston Forest. A very popular mtb destination, but one that I had never been into before, and wasn't comfortable about it today, as someone has recently been putting wire across tracks at neck level, and it played in the back of my mind.

Start of the ride.

First slippery climb, which oddly doesn't appear to look that bad.

Several photos which show where I intended to ride on the horizon. This was where it started to get very windy. Also despite being some way away from the sea, the smell of seaweed was already fairly strong.

Jevington Church.

Eastbourne in the back ground.

This is where things started to go a bit wrong for me. The wind really was dangerously bad, so where did I decide to ride along, Beach Head!!!
I can honesty say that this was a bad move and I actually managed to frighten myself at the point of the next photo. I ran out of track, and came closer than I would have liked to the edge of the cliff.

I'd come from the left point in the photo.

At this point, I decided that it wasn't safe to go on, so opted to climb up and away from the cliff edge. This was not an easy option, and for the first time since owning any e-mtb, I had to get off and push. I can also confirm that like everyone else's Bosch powered bike, the walk assist doesn't.
This climb was horrendous, and what you can't see is the countless skid marks from where other people have climbed it and slipped down. I soon added my name to this list, and was reminded of the mega avalanche video clips, where everyone is sliding out of control down the mountainside, clinging to their bikes. I was taking one step forward, and just sliding downwards clutching the bike beside me. It must have take 20 minutes or so, just to cover probably 75 metres.

The bad bit starts where the green sign is.

Once at the top it was an easy level section, or would have been had it not been for the wind. I bottled it, and walked it!

Many years ago, I'd barrel down this piece of road on my motorbikes at 120mph plus, today I struggled to keep any forward momentum going!

Next came a welcome coffee and fruit scone stop. This is Birling Gap, and over the years, the houses etc have been disappearing into the see. Not much remains now, and sadly, there is no finance available to help prevent the rest from disappearing. As expected, the bike didn't stay upright for long. Not portrayed from the photos, was just how much fine spray from the sea, that there was. It rained moments later as well, but thankfully it only lasted for minutes.

A slightly windy location!!

Next up is Friston Forest.

A final shot showing where I had just ridden on the horizon.

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Feb 26, 2014
Brilliant write up as ever Eddie! Sounds like a very exciting ride, if not a little nerve wracking! I'm very glad you didn't go over the edge at Beachy Head... I really enjoy reading about your trips at a time of the year when I am too wimpy to go out and about much by bike. :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Thanks TK. :)

I'm reading "wimpy" as being sensible. :)

I think that the highlight of the day was talking to the farmer.
I was also quite disgusted by some of the antics that he was telling me that mtb riders get up to across his land. from riding where they blatantly shouldn't across arable land, to cutting barbed wire fences for short cuts.
We seemed to hit it off straight away, and he was quite happy to tell me where the best routes were, and what time of day and night to ride them etc. I learnt a fair bit from that one conversation, and left shaking hands. It's lovely when unexpected things like that happen. :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Not much to report about for the Xmas day morning ride.
Just a chilled 17 mile ride with my cousin, which saw me once again relegated to the pedal bike. Just bringing it out of the shed makes me smile, so I'm not complaining. :)
We did have something slightly tarnish the ride, when someone in a car followed us between a couple of car parks, then waited further around a corner and ranted that we shouldn't be on the bridleways with our mtb's, then proceed to take photos of us as we rode past. We didn't rise to any of it, and just totally ignored him. I guess that we were having a far more enjoyable Xmas day than he was.

Afraid that it was still a bit dark to get any half reasonable photos.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Another day and another ride. I had intended to visit the South Downs again today, but the winds were too high for me to want to risk it. High enough that we have several tree limbs snapped clean off and there was further evidence of how strong that wind had been from todays ride. I encountered wind, rain, sleet, and a brief spell of sunshine on todays ride, but I still returned cold and tired. The conditions were certainly very muddy, and not too pleasant, but what did surprise me was that when I returned home, I had covered 41miles, and still had one and half bars of the battery remaining. Oddly I lost half a bar within less than a mile of leaving home, then things must have settled down. Obviously I did a hell of a lot of pedalling with no assist at all to reach that mileage. I think that my fitness level is now slowly building. :) The bike seemed especially good to ride today, and despite the conditions, it was still an enjoyable ride. Sadly I think that I am going to have to re think were I ride for a while though, as it simply not nice anymore. One of the draw backs of having heavy clay soil to contend with.

And they say that bikes make a mess, what about horses!"

One of several fallen trees that I had to contend with.

Normally this stream is just a little trickle and I cycle along it. Not today, I took the bridge.

It doesn't look it here, but this just wasn't possible to ride, so I had approx. 1/2 mile of bike pushing to do.

Finally a few wet forest shots.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
I wonder if a fat bike would have carried Eddie across the unridable bits.

Never tried one, so pure conjecture on my behalf, but I reckon a fat bike would be just the job on that terrain.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 5, 2013
With mud that deep I would just give up.
There is a high probability you would end up breaking something.
I would consider doing a few road trips till things dry up a bit.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Thanks Kinninvie, frustratingly I am going to do exactly the same ride again tomorrow.
I couldn't have set Strava when I left yesterday, and as daft a sit sounds, I like to keep a track of the rides completed, so I'll just have to do it all again. :) A Satmap is about to be ordered up, then I can keep a proper record of routes etc. I intend to get rid of the Nyon fitted to the bike, so that isn't an option to use. The display on the Nyon is simply too big and vulnerable for off road use, and sooner or later it will get wiped out. It's just a question of when. It might be okay for someone who likes their gimmicks or for road use, but that isn't me.

Sadly the bike isn't the best on the road, but it was clearly never designed to be. It spins out at 27mph, which can obviously be changed, but the actual feel of the whole bike doesn't work on the road. I don't have an issue with this, as it was brought to use solely as an off road bike. I'll probably start to ride the pedal mtb more and just do shorter rides, and if I can get the books to balance after paying my tax bill, I might well consider Cols ex demo bike for road use, and for when others fancy coming for a ride.
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Sep 11, 2014
Another day and another ride. I had intended to visit the South Downs again today, but the winds were too high for me to want to risk it. High enough that we have several tree limbs snapped clean off and there was further evidence of how strong that wind had been from todays ride. I encountered wind, rain, sleet, and a brief spell of sunshine on todays ride, but I still returned cold and tired. The conditions were certainly very muddy, and not too pleasant, but what did surprise me was that when I returned home, I had covered 41miles, and still had one and half bars of the battery remaining. Oddly I lost half a bar within less than a mile of leaving home, then things must have settled down. Obviously I did a hell of a lot of pedalling with no assist at all to reach that mileage. I think that my fitness level is now slowly building. :) The bike seemed especially good to ride today, and despite the conditions, it was still an enjoyable ride. Sadly I think that I am going to have to re think were I ride for a while though, as it simply not nice anymore. One of the draw backs of having heavy clay soil to contend with.

And they say that bikes make a mess, what about horses!"

One of several fallen trees that I had to contend with.

Normally this stream is just a little trickle and I cycle along it. Not today, I took the bridge.

It doesn't look it here, but this just wasn't possible to ride, so I had approx. 1/2 mile of bike pushing to do.

Finally a few wet forest shots.

Love it!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 5, 2013
I do the same Eddie and a couple of times the gps has not connected or dropped its connection after I have put the phone in my pocket.
I did my longest run of 42.3 miles one day only to find that it only recorded the first 3 miles!!.
It did once record a big blob in town and when I zoomed right in it was actually recording me walking between my seat and the bar in my local which I thought was pretty amazing considering its a 4 storey building and I cant get a gps signal there when I have tried myself.
